Baltic Blue Pothos: Should You Plant This In Your Home?

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The best place to plant your Baltic Blue Pothos is a room with an east or west window. It thrives in light but needs a well-drained medium. The best potting mix for this plant is one that contains high levels of organic matter and is rich in nutrients.

Also, it is recommended that the soil have a chunky consistency, as this helps the plant retain moisture while allowing quick drainage. Potted plants can be potted using a potting mix made of coco coir or aroid soil.

What Is Baltic Blue Pothos?

The plant is a cultivar of the Epipremnum pinnatum species native to the Society Islands of French Polynesia.

This plant has heart-shaped, variegated leaves and small, clustered white flowers. The plant can be disease-resistant but is susceptible to spider mites and mealybugs. The plant is a popular houseplant that grows outdoors in hardiness zones 9 to 11

What Is Baltic Blue Pothos

This plant will grow to a full size without the help of a climbing device. You can plant it in pots or on tables, trellises, or moss poles. The most common pothos variety is Epipremnum aureum.

Its other common names include marble, gold, queen jade, global green pothos origin, and purple. It is widely available in gardening centers. Among its many uses, it can be used as a border plant.

This plant is a new addition to the world of houseplants. It’s a hybrid of Epipremnum pinnatum, and is the perfect choice for novice plant enthusiasts. It has large, glossy green leaves, which develop a blue-ish tint as they mature baltic blue.

Baltic Blue Pothos Fenestration

The plant also develops dramatic fenestrations, which resemble miniature monsteras. The plant has a bluish hue and is perfect for small projects.

The leaves are green-blue and exhibit significant fenestration. The baltic blue costa farms plant should be placed horizontally or vertically, depending on how you want it to grow. Its leaves can split, and they are easy to care for.

The baltic blue philodendron plant is similar to most pothos varieties. It is best grown in bright light and requires little maintenance. The plant can grow to 6 feet in less than three years.

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Origin Of The Baltic Blue Pothos

If you are interested in growing plants outdoors, you can plant the Baltic Blue Pothos. It belongs to the family Araceae, and it grows best in hardiness zones 9 to 11. This plant is often mistaken for the Monstera genus, and it is not, however, poisonous.

This species is native to the rainforests of the Philippines, and has since become naturalized in the West Indies, Australia, and North America.

Origin Of The Baltic Blue Pothos

While this plant may be named after the Baltic Sea region, it actually originated in a Southeast Asian nursery. Costa Farms Director of Research Mike Rimland found this unusual plant and developed it for three years.

He then released this cultivar in early 2022 as part of their Trending Tropicals line. Its bright blue leaves make it a beautiful tabletop plant.

Baltic Blue Pothos Plant Size

The size of the Baltic Blue depends on where you live, but the plant may be as small as six inches to ten inches. However, it can grow as large as 60 feet when grown in the wild. If you are planning to grow it indoors, you should keep in mind that it may not reach the flowering stage.

Baltic Blue Pothos Plant Size

However, outdoor tropical blue pothos will flower in spring and produce small yellow flowers. If you are growing it in a sunny window, the plant size can be larger than 6 inches.

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Is The Baltic Blue Pothos Rare?

The common question you might want to ask yourself is, “Is the Blue Pothos rare?” The answer depends on your own preferences and circumstances. Though it is not in circulation yet, the plant is not so rare.

If you live in a dry climate, you may not want to plant this plant, but if you do, you will be happy to know that it tolerates the humidity levels typical in offices and homes. You can grow it either in a hanging basket or horizontally. No matter what you choose, you can rest assured that it will perform well.

Is The Baltic Blue Pothos Rare

The plant is a relatively new houseplant and is an attractive variety of Epipremnum pinnatum. The leaves are green, but develop a striking blue cast as they baltic blue pothos mature. This plant has dramatic fenestrations, and is suitable for growing indoors or on a tabletop.

However, it is a bit fussy and requires regular moisture. If you’re not sure about its growing habits, you can also consider the ‘Jessenia’ variety. It has an emerald green leaf and lemon-yellow variegation. It is rare.

How To Plant The Baltic Blue Pothos

Growing a this plant is easy and can be done through cuttings. The cuttings should be at least two inches long and contain a node. Once rooted, plant the cuttings in sterile soil and keep them moist.

Keep them around 70def. Rotate the cuttings to encourage even growth. Alternatively, you can buy cuttings and transplant them into the pot. If you decide to do the latter method, make sure that you use a systemic pesticide to avoid spider mites and scale.

Plant The Baltic Blue Pothos

The ideal humidity level for this plant is above forty percent. Although it can handle lower humidity levels, it thrives in higher humidity levels. Humidity levels also play an important role in determining the frequency of watering.

A balanced ratio of NPK fertilizer is ideal. Fertilize your plants twice a year or more. A good rule of thumb is to fertilize the soil every six months to two weeks.

Baltic Blue Pothos Care

A good care routine for your plant includes fertilizing the plant regularly. Generally, this plant thrives when it is fed twice a year, and sometimes more. Fertilizer should be applied according to the directions on the fertilizer’s container.

If your pothos is a new plant, make sure to fertilize it before it enters dormancy. You can feed the plant in early spring to stimulate new growth, or during early autumn.

Soil And PH

To grow Baltic Blue Pothos successfully, it needs a well-drained, slightly acidic soil. As an indoor plant, it does not tolerate too much moisture or it will rot and dye soon. The soil ph level for growing Pothos Baltic Blue should be 6.1-6.8.

Caring For The Baltic Blue Pothos

Compared to other varieties of pothos, this species does not need as much water, but it needs some time between watering. The frequency of watering will depend on the climate you live in.

In addition to proper soil and PH level, the growth of the Pothos is favored by higher humidity and indirect light. To find out if a cutting is rooting, try gently tugging the base of the cutting. The roots should resist your fingertip and stop growing after a week.

If they don’t, water it less. If you have an established plant, you can try propagating it by cuttings.

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The best way to water the Baltic Blue Pothos is to monitor its humidity. If the soil feels dry to the touch, the plant needs more humidity. If it is overwatered, the leaves will begin to yellow.

The leaves will eventually die and never turn green again. If the leaves appear brown, the plant is not getting enough sunlight and needs more water. A standard soil moisture meter works well. You can also use a finger to test the soil’s moisture level. The top two inches of soil should feel dry to the touch.

Baltic Blue Pothos Vs Cebu Blue Pothos

The Baltic Blue is part of the Pothos family, and is closely related to the cebu blue pothos split leaves. It grows best in bright light, but it is sensitive to harsh sunlight. It needs water twice a week.

This plant is a great choice for small projects, but make sure to give it plenty of light to prevent it from drying out. When young, the Baltic Blue is a tabletop plant, but when it is older, it makes a great climbing plant.

Light And Temperature

If you’re having trouble caring for your Baltic Blue Pothos plant, you should know that they are easy to grow. In addition to their beautiful colors, they don’t require much maintenance.

Light And Temperature

Their baltic blue pothos light requirements are moderate, and you can plant them anywhere you’d like. If you don’t have a bright window, you can move them to a more shady area. Because they naturally grow in rainforests, these plants have split leaves.


The optimal humidity level for a Baltic Blue pothos is 70-80%. However, this plant can tolerate a lower humidity level. It also needs a well-draining soil to thrive. Avoid planting in heavy soil because it could cause waterlogged roots and root rot.

Moreover, you should avoid planting the pothos in the spring and summer when the air is cold. It is important to remember that the higher the humidity level, the more moisture it requires.

This plant prefers medium indirect light, but can tolerate low light as well. If you place it in low light, it will grow slowly and require less frequent watering. Generally, it’s best to water a pothos once or twice a week.

As with any houseplant, every house is different, so you may want to adjust the humidity level for the Baltic Blue Pothos based on your environment.


Fertilizing Baltic Blue Pothos is important for this plant’s success. It thrives best in commercial potting soil containing ingredients that maintain moisture.

Pothos grow best in medium-sized containers, and this variety can even be trained to trail or climb a moss pole. You can purchase fertilizer for your pothos plant or make your own by combining peat moss and coco coir.

Fertilizing Baltic Blue Pothos

The best time to fertilize your plant is during the growing season. In spring and summer, the plant’s leaves experience a growth spurt. As a result, it needs additional nutrients.

However, it doesn’t need any fertilizer during winter. If you see light yellow streaks on the leaves, this is a sign of nutrient deficiency or a fungal problem.


While pruning a pothos is not required, it will help it grow to its proper height. A trailing pothos will grow leggy if it isn’t pruned regularly.

Pruning the pothos regularly will make it fuller and encourage new growth near the base. Proper pruning will also encourage it to grow faster. If you are planning to keep a plant small, then pruning is your best bet.

Potting And Repotting

Repotting is a vital part of caring for your Baltic Blue Pothos. This plant grows very quickly and will add an additional twelve to eighteen inches to its length every month. It is best to repot every year once the plant has doubled in size.

Repotting is essential to allow the roots to grow well and ensure that the soil contains all the necessary nutrients. It is important to give the plant plenty of sunlight, as sunlight gives the plants energy.

Potting And Repotting

If you’re worried about root rot, it’s important to learn how to treat this problem. This condition is usually caused by over-watering and not providing the plant with adequate drainage.

If your plant develops rotting roots, it will soon become ill-nourished and may even die. Luckily, root rot is relatively easy to prevent, and it’s best to keep in mind that prevention is better than cure.

One of the easiest ways to prevent this problem is to regulate the amount of water that your plants need. It’s also important to keep the soil dry. If you find your plants’ soil is too wet, it could cause them to die or develop a fungus.


The symptoms of a reaction to this plant are not generally dangerous unless your it is consumed. Other possible symptoms are dehydration, rashes, blistering, swelling, and gastrointestinal upset.

The poisonous principle in the pothos plant is insoluble calcium oxalate crystals, which are present in all parts of the plant. Hence, it is important to keep the plant out of the reach of children and pets.

Baltic Blue Pothos Propagation

To grow this beautiful tropical houseplant, you can start by propagating it from cuttings or seeds. If you have a small plant that you wish to propagate, do it in the spring or summer. Make sure to take a cutting with new growth on it and at least one node.

Baltic Blue Pothos Propagation

When preparing a cutting for transplantation, keep it moist and at 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Then, plant it in sterile soil and water it thoroughly. After a few weeks, you can start fertilizing the plant. The fertilizer should be applied a couple of times per year to help the plant grow faster.

If you do not follow these guidelines, you will experience yellow leaves on your Baltic Blue Pothos plant. If this occurs, you’ve probably overwatered it or not given it enough sunlight.

Make sure you water the plant well, but also make sure to keep an eye on it. It may not be growing properly if it doesn’t get enough water. In addition, it might suffer from sunburn and will need extra care.

Common Problems With The Baltic Blue Pothos

There are several common problems that can arise with this plant. One of the most common problems is that the plant cannot tolerate too much light. Although it is disease resistant, this plant can still be too much for some people.

Common Problems With The Baltic Blue Pothos

It is best to place the plant near a window that gets medium to bright light. Depending on the light in your home, you may need to add perlite or coco coir to the soil.

Another common problem that can cause damage to your plant is a lack of moisture. If the pothos does not get enough moisture, the foliage will turn brown. This can also lead to stunted growth.

You can check the moisture level of the soil by sticking your finger into the pot. If it is too moist, the plant may develop fungal infections or root rot. To make sure that your plant is not suffering from any of these issues, you can use a soil moisture meter.

Unlike most plants, this plant needs some additional care. You must ensure that the soil is well drained in order to avoid waterlogging. A poorly-drained soil can lead to root rot, which is characterized by yellowing and wilted leaves.

In addition, you must make sure that the soil is not too dry or too wet. Dry conditions can cause the Baltic Blue to wilt. You should water it once or twice a week during the spring and summer seasons and once every two weeks in the winter months. This is because the temperatures remain lower during the winter and the soil retains more moisture.


When planting Baltic Blue Pothos, make sure you choose a pot with drainage holes. The material of the pot also plays a major role in the watering schedule. Plastic pots retain moisture longer and require fewer waterings than clay or terracotta pots.

The latter, on the other hand, will wick moisture from the soil and will require more watering. A pot with drainage holes will ensure a healthy plant and a happy homeowner.

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