Bloomquist Jean Dahlia: Facts About This Beauty

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The bloomquist jean dahlia is an informal decorative form dahlia with unusually recurved petals. It was introduced in 1926 by Paul Bloomquist, a grower in Lynden, Washington. It grows from 36 to 48 inches tall. To plant dahlia tubers, stake them at least six feet above the ground and plant them in containers 18-24 inches apart.

What Is A Bloomquist Jean Dahlia?

One of the most unusual dahlias is the bloomquist jean, a six-to-eight-inch informal decorative form dahlia with recurved petals. Developed in washington state by paul bloomquist, this plant is 36 to 48-inches tall and has many uses. The blooms on bloomquist dahlias are perfect for cutting, and they are quite floriferous, producing long, colorful tiges.

What Is A Bloomquist Jean Dahlia

This bushy perennial comes in many varieties, colors, and sizes. They bloom from early july until the first killing frost. Unlike other flowering plants, their tubers will not survive the winter, but they are easily dug and insulated in soil. In the spring, they will grow again. Unfortunately, about 90% of the species has been lost, making them an extremely rare, time-consuming, and rewarding hobby.

How To Plant The Dahlia Bloomquist Jean

When planting your new jean dahlia, it is important to ensure that the tuber is intact and has at least one eye. This is crucial to ensure a healthy, happy plant. Once the tuber is properly cleaned and prepared, you can plant it in your flowerbed. You will be able to enjoy blooms from april through may.

How To Plant The Bloomquist Jean Dahlia

For a vigorous, full-fledged flowering dahlia facts , plant the tubers at least 4-6 weeks before the last frost date in your region. Lay them stem-side up in a pot and cover them with 2 inches of soil. Water well as new growth emerges. Once the new growth has emerged, transplant them into a 12 to 16 inch pot or tray. The flower grows between 36 and 48 inches tall and they prefer full sun. They also require six to eight hours of direct sunlight.

How To Take Care Of The Bloomquist Jean Dahlia

Whether you’ve never grown this flower before or have never given it much thought, here are a few tips for its successful care. These tips cover the basics of light and temperature, watering and feeding, climate, growth size, and more. Here’s a quick run-down on how to take care of your plant.

Light And Temperature

Dahlias do best in zones 8-10 but can be grown in warmer climates. Make sure to water thoroughly, but only to a depth of four inches (10 cm). If planting in the ground, stake them to provide support for their enormous blooms later in the season.

Light And Temperature

You can tie the stems to stakes with garden tape or nylon hose. Fertilize during the growing season, but avoid fertilizing in the late summer or fall. Dahlia flowers should last four to six days.


Depending on your climate, feeding this plant will require several applications of fertilizer. The first fertilizer application should be applied 30 days after planting. Avoid over-feeding the plant as this is one of the most common mistakes. Also, be sure to plant the tubers with the stem and eye facing up. Place the tubers 6 inches max or two inches minimum below the soil’s surface. Water the soil only after sprouting. Watering them too soon will cause the tubers to rot.

Growth size

How to grow tubers? Dahlias should be planted in spring, about 2 feet apart in three separate gardens. Digging the tubers must be wide enough to avoid damaging the stem, and the soil must be about 12 inches deep. After planting, make sure not to break the neck of the tuber, as this will prevent it from developing future eyes. After some time, you can strategically prune off the terminal buds for increased budding.

Growth size

To grow your bloomquist jean dahlia, you can divide aloe plant the tubers in spring, after they have sprouted. Remember to plant your tubers deep into the soil, and do not water them too early. Too much water can encourage rot. For medium to dwarf-sized blooms, dahlias thrive in containers. Medium-sized containers with good drainage are recommended.


If you live in a hot climate, it may be difficult to grow this dahlia. To reduce this issue, dahlia growers can use shade structures. These structures are made of polyethylene shade cloth, which lasts for years and filters out approximately 20% of direct sunlight. A 30% shade area may be enough for dahlias. A good rule of thumb is to plant them at least one inch deep.


Depending on the amount of plant consumed and the results of laboratory tests, your veterinarian will devise a treatment plan. Your veterinarian will likely administer a hydrogen peroxide solution to induce emesis in an effort to remove as much of the plant as possible. In addition, activated charcoal is used to absorb toxins from the dog’s stomach. Other treatments may include gastric lavage and intravenous fluids to flush out the kidneys and prevent dehydration caused by vomiting. A topical ointment may be used to soothe the skin.

Soil Type And PH Requirements

Before planting your bloomquist pumpkin dahlia, you must determine the ph and soil type of your garden. Although dahlias can thrive in nearly any soil type, they prefer slightly acidic soil. Typically, this dahlia requires soils between 6 and 8 ph. To find out the specific ph and soil type of your garden, you can purchase a test kit from your local home improvement store.

planting your bloomquist jean dahlia

To ensure optimal growth, plant your dahlia tubers six to eight inches deep, with the old flower stalk upward. Cover the tubers with two inches of soil, and water thoroughly. Apply a thin layer of mulch to help retain moisture and maintain soil temperature. Mulch will also help minimize weed growth and prevent soil splashing onto your blooms.

Soil amendments are great for improving the conditions for dahlias, but it is crucial that you do so before planting the tubers. It is best to add compost or sulfur before planting your dahlia tubers, and avoid adding them after they have already been planted. Adding compost to your soil will help keep the ph of the soil below 7.


If your bloomquist jean dahlia produces sidereal buds, remove them. This releases the plant hormone that commands more sidereal buds. Performing this pruning procedure will lengthen the time it takes for the dahlia to bloom. It also improves its disease resistance. Deadheading should begin in early summer and continue throughout the blooming season. You may also want to pinch out flower buds when they reach the size of peas.


Re-potting this dahlia is an easy process. Dahlia bulbs, or tubers, should be replanted at least eight weeks before the last frost. This will help the dahlia get a jump start on the growing season, and you can enjoy the beauty of these flowers into fall.

Re-potting this dahlia is an easy process

To plant your dahlia tubers, plant them as close to the surface as possible. Otherwise, the tuber may rot. If you plant it at the bottom of the container, the stalk may peek through and crack off from the tuber. Re-potting this plant is an excellent way to extend its life.


There are several ways to propagate bloomquist jean dahlia. Propagation of this variety involves division, stem cuttings, and seeds. The best method is by root division, which is the most common for container specimens and for cloning a plant in spring. Many growers simply discard the mother tuber after dividing it. To avoid damaging the tuber, look for thin necks and trim off any damage before planting.

Common Problems With The Bloomquist Jean Dahlia

Dahlias are vigorous plants that can suffer from diseases and pests. Fortunately, most dahlia problems are easy to solve. These common problems are usually fungal or sucking insects that destroy the tubers. Taking care of these issues will ensure continued blooms and healthy plants..


Whether you plan on growing dahlias as annuals or perennials, this plant is sure to give you flowers that stand out. Dahlias are one of the most beautiful flowers in the world, and they make a great addition to any garden. With a little care and attention, you’ll be able to enjoy the show in its full glory.

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