Cream Splash vs Silver Stripe : 5+ Differences

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The two philodendrons that are most comparable are Cream Splash and Silver Stripe.Many of the Cream Splash philodendrons that are offered for sale are actually Silver Stripe philodendrons.

Given how similar these two philodendrons are, it seems reasonable that most people get them mixed up.Both are cream-variegated Hederaceum Scandens with a heart shape.

Read on to learn more about cream splash vs silver stripe

What Is Philodendron Cream Splash?

The philodendron plant known as Philodendron cream splash is native to the tropics and is grown for its glossy, patterned, and evergreen foliage, which can be planted in a variety of ways.

What Is Philodendron Cream Splash?
Philodendron cream splash in clay pot on wooden table in living room. Air Purifying Plants for indoor.

You can train this plant to grow upward from a hanging basket or you can let it trail downward. The colors of its foliage range from cream and light green to dark green.

Philodendron Cream Splash Care

There are numerous ways to pot this plant, but you will achieve the greatest results if you are aware of its needs in terms of soil, water, humidity, and light.

  • Light

A tropical plant, the philodendron cream splash, enjoys bright indirect light. Low light levels are tolerated, although development will be slowed.

The ideal location for this plant may be beside a window with good lighting and some indirect sunshine.

If you shield philodendron cream splash from excessive shade and direct sunlight, its growth rate will be increased.

Achieve balance. Because bathrooms tend to have more moisture and bright light, some people like to keep it there.

  • Water

The Philodendron cream splash plants prefer a moist but never wet environment. Along with watering your plants as soon as the soil starts to dry out, you might also want to mist them if they appear to be in a dry state.

It is crucial to keep in mind that the plant can handle slightly dry soil, but if left in damp soil, it can develop root rot. The roots will start to rot in the presence of poor drainage or an abundance of water, seriously harming the plants.

If a plant dies from overwatering, there is no other way to salvage it than to start over with fresh cuttings.

  • Soil

A hemiepiphyte that may live in the tree canopy is Philodendron hederaceum cream splash. It requires soil that holds onto moisture, drains efficiently, and contains a ton of rich organic matter.

For this plant, potting soil with peat moss and coconut coir works great. Perlite can be added to improve drainage. It is advised to add 50% perlite to a coir and peat Combination.

Using these ingredients, you may either purchase pre-made potting mix or make your own.

Be careful not to add too much compost or organic material.

  • Temperature

Comfortable temperatures of 64 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit are preferred by the Philodendron cream splash plant. Avoid the winter’s chilly and dry weather.

When the temperature drops below 55 degrees Fahrenheit when you are planting it outside, bring it back inside.

  • Flower

The Philodendron cream splash rarely produces flowers in containers. Do not feel bad about it because it takes years for the blooms to blossom and they are not particularly pretty.

Moreover, stems make for far simpler propagation than seeds do.

What Is Philodendron Silver Stripe?

The Sweetheart vine, also known as Philodendron Silver Stripe or Heartleaf Philodendron, is a tropical creeper plant with luxuriant, heart-shaped foliage that is typically about three inches wide and has a sharp end.


The name of this plant is derived from the lovely silver stripe that runs down the center of each of its leaves.

Philodendron Silver Stripe Care

One of the easiest tropical plants to cultivate indoors is the Heartleaf philodendron. They put up with minor abuse like being kept in low light, receiving inadequate soil, and having irrigation slightly delayed.

It may be a suitable plant for novices or those who lack the time to give more fastidious plants the proper care

The requirements for light, water, and soil are covered in the section that follows.

  • Light

The silver-striped Philodendron can survive in low light. Under direct, intense sunlight, it will grow more quickly and generate larger leaves.

Higher light makes the variegation more noticeable, but avoid placing it in full sunlight because the sun will burn its leaf.

The Philodendron silver stripe in a pot can thrive under a bright window that receives filtered light. Keep in mind that it grows under trees in its natural habitat and was not intended to be exposed to the full force of the sun.

On the other hand, continuous exposure to very low light can also have an impact on its growth. Darkness will not allow it to grow.

  •  Water

Don’t overwater this plant; doing so will hinder its growth. The topsoil should dry out between 50 and 70 percent before watering Philodendron silver stripe plants, according to a general rule.

Continue to water it until you see water draining out of the pot’s bottom, and make sure the pan underneath the pot is always dry.

Watering should be less frequently in the winter because the plant needs that time to relax. Don’t overwater the plant, please. Your Philodendron might die as a result of root decay.

  • Soil

A hemiepiphyte is a plant that can live on its host tree, such as the philodendron silver stripe. It requires soil that drains well, holds moisture, and contains a lot of organic matter.For pots, you can purchase soil mixtures already produced or make your own.

Try this recipe out: For effective drainage, use 50 percent moss, 50 percent coconut coir, and 50 percent perlite.

To help with drainage, pick a pot with lots of drainage holes.

  • Potting

Philodendron silver stripe makes an excellent potted plant. When preparing to pot your lovely plants, bear the following in mind:

  • Choose a pot with several drainage
  • holes, ideally one made of terracotta or ceramic.
  • If your soil drains effectively, plastic pots may also be beneficial.
  • When the plant outgrows the current pot, replace it with a larger one.

cream splash vs silver stripe

The differences between these two plants are minimal. Both are Brasilian philodendron sport cultivars.

Compared to the Silver Stripe, the Cream Splash develops a fairly erratic variegation pattern.

cream splash vs silver stripe
Philodendron cream splash in clay pot on wooden table in living room. Air Purifying Plants for indoor.

Compared to Cream Splash, Silver Stripe has darker foliage. The Silver Stripe will develop a silver variegation hue, which is another notable difference.

Instead of this silver tone, Cream Splash develops a pale green color.

Are they the same plant?

Despite not being the same plant, these two philodendrons exhibit many of the same traits.Are they the same plant?

To properly examine the differences, hold the side of the object by side. Many people have incorrectly identified their philodendrons on Instagram.

Numerous gardeners also mislabel these plants


The only way to distinguish between these two plants is by their leaves. The variegations and color of the leaves vary just a little bit.

Occasionally, one or two leaves will resemble those of the other plant. On the Silver Stripe, the leaves’ natural green color is deeper.

It is difficult to see the difference because it is so slight.

Color Difference

Green, light green, cream, and lime yellow are the hues found in the Cream Splash.

Dark green, silver, cream, and light green are the hues of the Silver Stripe.

Comparing the first varietyion color and the last variegation color is the most effective approach to spot the difference.

Before to the Cream, the Silver Stripe turns silver. No silver color will develop on the Cream Splash.

It will have a pale green hue. The distinction between silver and light green can occasionally be difficult.

A leaf on the cream splash will occasionally turn a pale green color that almost resembles silver.

Remember that if the majority of the leaves are light green and only one or two are silver, the plant is a Cream Splash.

The last variegation color comes next. The Cream Splash turns a bright lime yellow. Occasionally, this shade is just plain yellow.

The Silver Stripe, on the other hand, will never turn yellow. This hue will typically be a light or a green.

Growth pattern difference

Differences in the variegation’s development pattern are another clear indicator. The variegation pattern on the Silver Stripe is more constant.

Its leaves will all have a central stripe of variegation on them.The pattern of variegation on the Cream Splash is more haphazard.

The centre of most leaves usually develops a variegation, but most plants also have leaves that are wholly irregular. The cream and lime yellow gradations may cover the complete or part of the leaf.

Conclusion on cream splash vs silver stripe

In conclusion, The key distinction between the cream splash and the silver stripe is the presence of an additional silver lining that divides the areas that are creamy or whitish in hue from those that are dark green.

On the cream splash, there is no hint of this silver lining.


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