Home GARDENING DAISIES PLANT Hollyhill Black Widow Dahlia: Perfectly Beautiful Flower

Hollyhill Black Widow Dahlia: Perfectly Beautiful Flower

Hollyhill Black Widow Dahlia: Perfectly Beautiful Flower

Hollyhill Black Widow Dahlia: a perfectly beautiful flower. Its rich, dark red blooms are surrounded by sturdy, healthy foliage. It adds drama to your garden or vase.

Note: This Dahlia cannot be shipped outside of Canada. If you are planning to plant your Hollyhill Black Widow Dahlia in a container, be sure to place it in a sunny location. Check for shriveling or rotten tubers, and divide them as necessary.

Plant in a location that receives full sun

When planning where to plant your Hollyhill Black Widow Dahlia, make sure you select a location that receives full sunlight. This type of dahlia prefers full sun and needs at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day.

They also prefer rich soil and protection from wind. Before planting, amend your soil with two to four inches of quality compost and well-rotted manure. A balanced organic fertilizer should be added as well.

Dahlias are perennial flowers that bloom from midsummer to early autumn. They can be found in a variety of colors, from tiny poppy pinks to the huge 15-inch “dinner plates” known as ‘Black Widow’.

Plant in a location that receives full sun

Dahlias are a member of the aster family and like the same growing conditions as tomatoes and peppers. They can be planted in the same location as the other plants but will flower a few months later.

During the growing season, it is important to give your Dahlia consistent watering. You should wait until the first green shoots appear to water the tuber. After the first blooms appear, prune the dahlia when it reaches about a foot (30 cm) tall.

This encourages low basal branching and increased flower production. To maximize flower production, it is important to thin the flowers as they may not flower fully until August.

Another consideration when planning your Dahlia garden is its pH. Black dahlias prefer a neutral or slightly acidic soil. You can raise the pH of your soil by adding garden lime or elemental sulfur to your soil.

Dahlias are generally more resilient in full sun than in partial shade. They grow best in gardens and are perennial in areas that do not experience hard frost.

Check for shriveling

Before cutting down a Hollyhill Black Widow Dahlia, check for shriveling. Dead flower heads are characterized by folded sepals.

They protect the reproductive parts of the plant. Do not cut below the flower stem; instead, trim above the point where the flower stem joins the main stem. Shrinkage can be an early sign of disease, so it is important to watch for it.

While young, this Dahlia requires hardly any water. Once it matures, stake it and water it lightly to encourage growth. Dahlias produce blooms around 12-16 weeks. They last until the first frost. Dahlias also produce tubers, which can be stored and used next year. The first shriveling can occur when the leaves turn dark.

Hollyhill Black Widow Dahlia, check for shriveling

If you notice this on a Hollyhill Black Widow Dahlia, separate it into several containers and repot it. After a week, the plantlets will sprout. Be sure to separate them by their foliage, since the plants may develop real leaves. After this time, they are ready to be planted. If you notice any signs of shriveling, transplant them to a separate container.

The amount of water your plant needs is highly dependent on the time of year and the soil structure. Generally, black dahlias need medium-to-high moisture. Water your plant once or twice a week, allowing the topsoil to dry before watering again.

Fertilize black dahlias moderately with a fertiliser. Fertilizers high in nitrogen can inhibit blooms and damage the foundation of your plants. Make sure to use a fertilizer with an NPK value of 5-10-10 or 10-20-20.

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