Nanouk Plant Mastery: 10+ Ultimate Care

Must Try

The Nanouk plant, formally known as Tradescantia zebrina ‘Nanouk,’ has captured the fascination of plant enthusiasts with its unique characteristics and vibrant appearance. This comprehensive guide aims to unravel the mysteries surrounding this enigmatic plant, offering insights into its origins, care requirements, propagation methods, and potential challenges.

Origins And Botanical Background


Species and Genus

Nanouk plants belong to the Tradescantia genus, which includes various species of herbaceous perennial plants. The botanical name for the Nanouk variety is Tradescantia zebrina ‘Nanouk.’

Native Habitat

The parent species, Tradescantia zebrina, is native to the Gulf Coast region of eastern Mexico. It is often found growing as ground cover in its natural habitat.

Cultivar Development

Nanouk is a specific cultivar or variety of Tradescantia zebrina. Cultivars are developed through selective breeding to emphasize certain desirable traits, such as unique colors or growth habits.

Distinctive Features

Nanouk plants are known for their striking, multicolored foliage. The leaves typically display shades of green, pink, and purple, making them highly attractive as ornamental houseplants.

Growth Habit

Like other Tradescantia zebrina varieties, Nanouk has a trailing or cascading growth habit. This makes it well-suited for hanging baskets or as a ground cover in suitable outdoor conditions.

Botanical Classification

Tradescantia zebrina ‘Nanouk’ falls under the Commelinaceae family, which includes various species of herbaceous plants. The family is characterized by simple, alternate leaves and distinctive floral structures.

Common Names

Nanouk plants are commonly known as Wandering Jew, a name that is used for several species within the Tradescantia genus. However, the term “Wandering Jew” is considered by some to be culturally insensitive, and alternative names like Inch Plant are often used.

Cultural Significance

Tradescantia plants, including the Nanouk variety, are popular choices for indoor gardening due to their vibrant colors and relatively easy care. While they may have historical or cultural significance in some regions, they are primarily cultivated for their ornamental value.

Understanding Nanouk Plant Care


Ideal Growing Conditions

  1. Temperature and Climate Requirements:
    • Nanouk plants thrive in temperatures between 65°F to 75°F (18°C to 24°C).
    • They prefer a mild to warm climate and are sensitive to cold drafts. Avoid exposing your Nanouk plants to temperatures below 50°F (10°C).
  2. Light and Sunlight Needs:
    • Nanouk plants enjoy bright, indirect light. They can tolerate some direct sunlight, but prolonged exposure may cause leaf burn.
    • Place them near east or west-facing windows for optimal light conditions. If placed in direct sunlight, some protection during the hottest part of the day is advisable.
  3. Soil and Potting Mix Suggestions:
    • Use a well-draining potting mix, preferably a mix designed for indoor tropical plants.
    • A combination of peat moss, perlite, and pine bark works well. Ensure your Nanouk plant’s soil retains some moisture but doesn’t become waterlogged.

Watering And Humidity Guidelines

  1. Watering Frequency and Method:
    • Keep your Nanouk plant’s soil consistently moist but not soggy. Allow the top inch (2.5 cm) of the soil to dry before watering.
    • Water your Nanouk plants thoroughly and allow excess water to drain from the pot. Empty saucers to prevent waterlogging.
  2. Humidity Preferences for Nanouk Plants:
    • Nanouk plants appreciate higher humidity levels. You can increase your Nanouk plant’s humidity by misting the leaves or placing a tray of water near the plant.
    • Ensure good air circulation to prevent fungal issues while maintaining the desired humidity.

Fertilization And Feeding Regimen

  1. Suitable Fertilizers for Nanouk Plants:
    • Use a balanced liquid fertilizer with an N-P-K ratio of 20-20-20 or a similar composition.
    • Fertilize your Nanouk plants during the growing season (spring and summer) every 2-4 weeks.
  2. Feeding Schedule and Amounts:
    • Dilute the fertilizer to half or quarter strength according to the package instructions.
    • Apply the fertilizer when the plant is actively growing, reducing frequency during the dormant winter months.
    • Avoid over-fertilizing your Nanouk plants, as this can lead to salt buildup in the soil.

Propagation And Reproduction

Propagation of Nanouk plants, also known as Tradescantia zebrina ‘Nanouk,’ can be done through several methods. Here’s a guide on how to propagate and reproduce Nanouk plants:

Propagation Through Stem Cuttings:

    1. Selecting Cuttings:
      • Choose a healthy Nanouk plants with mature stems.
      • Cut 4-6 inch (10-15 cm) sections of the stem, ensuring each cutting has at least a couple of leaves.
    2. Preparing Cuttings:
      • Remove the lower leaves from the cutting, leaving a clean stem.
      • Allow the cut ends to air dry for a few hours to reduce the risk of rot.
    3. Planting Cuttings:
      • Plant the cuttings in a well-draining potting mix.
      • Insert the cut end into the soil and water lightly.
    4. Rooting Time:
      • Place the potted cuttings in a warm, humid environment with indirect light.
      • Your Nanouk plant’s roots should develop in a few weeks.

Water Propagation:

    1. Cutting Preparation:
      • Take 4-6 inch (10-15 cm) cuttings with a node (where leaves attach) intact.
      • Remove leaves from the lower part of the Nanouk plants cutting.
    2. Placing in Water:
      • Place the cuttings in a jar or vase with enough water to submerge the nodes but not the leaves.
      • Change your Nanouk plant’s water regularly to prevent stagnation.
    3. Root Development:
      • Roots should start appearing in 1-2 weeks.
      • Once roots are a few inches long, transplant the cuttings into soil.


    1. Choosing the Plant:
      • Select a mature Nanouk plant that has developed multiple stems.
    2. Gentle Separation:
      • Gently remove the Nanouk plant from its pot.
      • Separate the stems, ensuring each division has roots attached.
    3. Repotting:
      • Plant each division into its own pot with fresh potting mix.
      • Water the newly potted divisions.

Care for Newly Propagated Plants:

    1. Provide Indirect Light:
      • Place newly propagated plants in a location with bright, indirect light.
    2. Maintain Adequate Humidity:
      • Keep the humidity levels stable to support root development.
    3. Gradual Transition:
      • If propagating in water, gradually acclimate the plants to soil by introducing soil in the water container before transplanting.

Nanouk Plant’s Pruning And Maintenance

Pruning and regular maintenance play a crucial role in keeping Nanouk plants healthy and attractive. Here’s a guide on how to prune and maintain your Nanouk plants:

  1. Remove Dead or Yellowing Leaves:
  • Regularly inspect your Nanouk plants for any dead or yellowing leaves.
  • Gently pinch or cut these leaves off at the base using clean, sharp scissors or pruning shears.
  1. Pinching for Bushier Growth:
  • To encourage a bushier growth habit, pinch the tips of the stems.
  • Pinching involves removing the growing tips, which stimulates branching and promotes a fuller appearance.
  1. Control Leggy Growth:
  • If your Nanouk becomes leggy (with long, sparse stems), consider pruning back the stems to a more compact size.
  • Focus on cutting just above a leaf node to encourage branching on your plant.
  1. Shape and Size Control:
  • Nanouk plants can be trained to a certain shape or size by strategic pruning.
  • Trim back specific stems to achieve the desired form, whether it’s a hanging basket or a more compact potted plant.
  1. Pruning for Propagation:
  • If you’re propagating your Nanouk through stem cuttings, you can simultaneously prune the parent plant.
  • Take cuttings from healthy, non-flowering stems, and use the opportunity to control the plant’s size and shape.
  1. Regular Cleaning:
  • Wipe the leaves of your plant gently with a damp cloth to remove dust. This allows the plant to breathe better and enhances its appearance.
  1. Inspect for Pests and Diseases:
  • Regularly check the plant for any signs of pests (such as spider mites) or diseases.
  • If pests are present, isolate your precious plant and treat it with an appropriate insecticidal soap or neem oil.
  1. Repotting:
  • These plants benefit from repotting when they outgrow their containers or the soil becomes depleted.
  • Repot every 1-2 years in the spring, using fresh, well-draining potting mix.
  1. Provide Support for Long Stems:
  • If some stems become too long and start trailing, provide support such as stakes or a trellis to prevent them from breaking.
  1. Adjust Care According to Seasons:
  • Consider adjusting your care routine during different seasons. These plants may have different growth patterns and requirements in response to seasonal changes.

Decorating With Nanouk Plants

Decorating with Nanouk plants can add a touch of vibrant greenery and beauty to your indoor spaces. Here are some ideas for incorporating Nanouk plants into your home decor:

  1. Hanging Baskets:
  • These plants have trailing stems, making them well-suited for hanging baskets. Hang these baskets in well-lit areas to showcase the cascading foliage.
  1. Shelving and Ledges:
  • Place Nanouk plants on shelves or ledges to create an eye-catching display. Mix them with other houseplants of varying heights and textures for a dynamic look.
  1. Table Centerpieces:
  • Use Nanouk plants as part of table centerpieces. Place them in decorative pots or containers and arrange them with other plants, candles, or decorative items.
  1. Window Sills:
  • These plants thrive in bright, indirect light, making them perfect for window sills. Arrange a group of Nanouk pots along the windowsill for a cheerful and natural display.
  1. Terrariums:
  • Create a mini indoor garden by placing These plants in open terrariums or glass containers. Combine them with small decorative stones or figurines for added visual interest.
  1. Mix with Different Varieties:
  • Pair them with other varieties of Tradescantia or houseplants with contrasting foliage colors and shapes. This creates a diverse and visually appealing arrangement.
  1. Wall Planters:
  • Install wall-mounted planters and place Nanouk plants to create a vertical garden. This is an excellent space-saving solution that adds a modern and stylish touch to your decor.
  1. Office Desks and Workspaces:
  • Enhance your workspace by placing a small Nanouk plant on your desk or in a nearby window. The greenery can contribute to a more inviting and calming work environment.
  1. Bookshelves and Bookends:
  • Use Nanouks as living bookends on your bookshelves. The trailing stems can elegantly frame your collection of books.
  1. Incorporate Natural Materials:
  • Pair Nanouks with natural materials such as wooden pots or woven baskets to create a harmonious and organic decor theme.
  1. Group Plantings:
  • Create groupings of Nanouk plants in different-sized pots for a cohesive look. This works well on side tables, coffee tables, or as a focal point in a room.
  1. Seasonal Decor:
  • Incorporate Nanouk plants into your seasonal decor. For example, decorate the pots with festive ribbons during the holidays or place them in decorative containers for special occasions.

Varieties and Species

The Nanouk plant, scientifically known as Tradescantia zebrina ‘Nanouk,’ is a specific cultivar within the Tradescantia zebrina species. Tradescantia zebrina, commonly referred to as Wandering Jew or Inch Plant, is a species of spiderwort native to Mexico. The Nanouk cultivar is prized for its unique coloration and compact growth habit. Here are some related species and cultivars within the Tradescantia genus:

  1. Tradescantia zebrina (Wandering Jew):
  • The parent species of Nanouk, known for its green leaves with silver stripes and purple undersides. It has a trailing growth habit.
  1. Tradescantia fluminensis (Small-Leaf Spiderwort):
  • Another species with green leaves, but the foliage is solid green without stripes. It is also known for its trailing habit.
  1. Tradescantia pallida (Purple Heart or Purple Queen):
  • This species has vibrant purple foliage. The Tradescantia pallida is often grown as a ground cover or in hanging baskets.
  1. Tradescantia spathacea (Moses-in-the-Cradle or Rhoeo):
  • Characterized by boat-shaped leaves that are green on top and purple on the underside. It is often grown for its unique foliage.
  1. Tradescantia albiflora (White Velvet):
  • A variety with fuzzy, green leaves and a compact growth habit. It is known for its velvety texture.

Health Benefits Of Nanouk Plants

Nanouks can contribute to a healthier indoor environment in several ways. While specific health benefits can vary, here are some general advantages associated with having these plants:

Air Purification:

Nanouks can help improve air quality by removing certain pollutants. The Nanouk plant absorbs carbon dioxide and release oxygen during photosynthesis. Additionally, they may help filter out airborne toxins such as formaldehyde and benzene.

Humidity Regulation:

Plants release moisture through a process called transpiration, which can increase humidity levels in their immediate surroundings. This natural humidifying effect can be beneficial, especially in indoor environments with dry air.

Stress Reduction:

The presence of greenery and nature indoors has been linked to stress reduction and improved mental well-being. Caring for and being around plants, including Nanouk plants, can create a more calming and soothing atmosphere.

Enhanced Focus and Productivity:

Studies suggest that having indoor plants, including those with vibrant and visually appealing foliage like that of Nanouks, may enhance concentration and productivity. The positive visual stimuli and connection to nature can positively impact cognitive function.

Aesthetic and Mood Enhancement:

Nanouk plants are valued for their attractive and colorful foliage. The beauty of indoor plants can enhance the aesthetic appeal of your living or working space, positively influencing your mood and overall satisfaction.

Indoor Gardening Enjoyment:

Taking care of plants can be a rewarding hobby. Engaging with a Nanouk plant through watering, pruning, and general maintenance can provide a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

Connection to Nature:

Having indoor plants, including Nanouk plants, allows you to bring a touch of nature into your home. This connection to nature, even in an urban environment, is associated with various physical and mental health benefits.


  1. What is a Nanouk plant?
  • A Nanouk plant, scientifically known as Tradescantia zebrina ‘Nanouk,’ is a cultivar of the Wandering Jew plant. It is valued for its vibrant and colorful foliage, featuring shades of green, pink, and purple.
  1. How do I propagate Nanouk plants?
  • They can be propagated through stem cuttings. Take 4-6 inch (10-15 cm) cuttings, remove lower leaves, and plant them in well-draining soil. Water them and place in a warm, humid environment until roots develop.
  1. What are the ideal growing conditions for Nanouk plants?
  • These plants thrive in temperatures between 65°F to 75°F (18°C to 24°C). This Nanouk plant prefer bright, indirect light but can tolerate some direct sunlight. Use a well-draining potting mix and keep the soil consistently moist.
  1. How often should I water my Nanouk plant?
  • Water your Nanouk plant when the top inch (2.5 cm) of the soil feels dry. Keep the Nanouk plant soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Ensure proper drainage to prevent overwatering.
  1. Can Nanouks be grown outdoors?
  • These plants are typically grown as indoor houseplants. However, they can be placed outdoors in shaded areas with protection from direct sunlight and harsh weather conditions.
  1. How do I care for a leggy Nanouk plant?
  • To control leggy growth, prune back the stems to encourage a more compact appearance. Pinch the tips to stimulate branching. Providing adequate light can also help prevent excessive stretching.
  1. Is Nanouk plant toxic to pets?
  • These plants, like other Tradescantia species, contain compounds that can be mildly toxic to pets if ingested. It’s advisable to keep them out of reach of curious pets.
  1. Can I fertilize my Nanouk plant during the winter?
  • During the dormant winter months, reduce or stop fertilizing your Nanouk plant. Resume feeding in the spring and summer with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted to half or quarter strength.
  1. How can I support long stems on my Nanouk plant?
  • Provide support for long, trailing stems using stakes, trellises, or by letting the plant cascade from a hanging basket. This helps prevent the stems of your Nanouk plant from breaking.
  1. How do I prevent and treat pests on Nanouk plants?
  • Keep an eye out for pests such as spider mites on your Nanouk plant. Treat your Nanouk plant infestations with insecticidal soap or neem oil. Regularly inspect and isolate affected plants if necessary.


As we delve into the world of the Nanouk plant, we discover a fascinating specimen that not only adds beauty to our living spaces but also offers an intriguing journey of care and cultivation. Whether you’re a seasoned plant parent or a beginner, this comprehensive guide serves as a valuable companion in unlocking the secrets of the enigmatic Nanouk. Happy exploring!

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