Philodendron Cream Splash vs Brasil

Must Try

The Hederacuem Scandens family includes Cream Splash and Brasil. They probably share a recent ancestor.

Cream Splash produces four-color variegations that are stunning and bright. Most significantly, its variegation takes on a milk hue.

Brazil is the source of this natural cultivar. It develops in three colors. On mature variegated leaves, it develops a stunning bright yellow color.

It has a unique lovely yellow hue that is hard to obtain anywhere.

In the Philippines, the United States, and Indonesia, both are hugely popular.

Read on to learn more about the difference between philodendron cream splash and basil

What is philodendron cream splash

The Philodendron Cream Splash is the ideal plant for interior environments. It works perfectly on patios and balconies but is not the greatest plant for business buildings.

What is philodendron cream splash

Bright light is necessary for the variegated leaves to remain disease-free. By giving it a few ounces of fertilizer throughout the active season, you can hasten its growth.

It requires less maintenance and care because it is a beginner’s plant.

What is philodendron basil

A cultivar of the species of Philodendron hederaceum, often known as heartleaf philodendrons, is called Philodendron Brasil.

One of the older cultivars is called Brazil; it was initially spotted in the 1990s and is still widely available in nurseries and online shops today.

What is philodendron basil

Heartleaf Philodendrons share a close relationship with other members of the genus Philodendron, such as the rare and prized Pink Princess Philodendron.

Due to their preference for warmth and high humidity, these tropical plants are frequently grown indoors.

Although they can flower in the correct circumstances, their glossy green leaves are the main reason they are planted.

The Brasil cultivar in particular, with its magnificent deep green foliage and vivid variegation patterns, exemplifies this.

Origin of Brazil

Philodendron Scandens Oxycardium is the botanical name. It is a variety of a Scadens philodendron with no name.

Origin of Brazil

It was first found in the Brazilian city of Holambra. It was raised in controlled settings at Holambra and Sebring, Florida, to improve its variegations. Brazil has freakish genetics.

Origin of Cream Splash

There is no established history of the Cream Splash philodendron. They originated from either a Gabby or Brasil philodendron natural mutation.

In many cases, Cream Splash is sold alongside the philodendrons Gabby, Brasil, and Silver Stripe. It’s thought to have made its debut as a Gabby variant.

Around 2009, Cream Splash began to circulate online, and since then, it has expanded to window sills all around the world.

philodendron cream splash vs brasil

philodendron cream splash vs brasil

  • Are they from the same plant?

Brazil and Cream Splash are not the same plants. Because sellers can’t tell the difference, they frequently end up being sold under one other’s names.

The differences are visible after a short while.

  • What distinguishes the leaves?

The leaves are where these plants diverge most from one another. Compared to Brazil, Philodendron Cream Splash has different hues.

Another important clue is the way the leaves are shaped. The leaves of the mature Cream Splash are sharper and more elongated.

To distinguish between the different shapes, one must examine carefully. They are remarkably alike.

Comparatively, mature Brasil leaves are more rounded. While the Cream Splash philodendron prefers to have many leaves, Brazil enjoys growing enormous leaves.

If you have the plants next to one another, it will be simpler to tell. Brasil is less dense than Cream Splash. They prefer to have tightly packed leaf growth.

  • Difference in Height

Both Brasil and Cream Splash are philodendron trailing plants. If there is a moss pole in the middle, they can climb that as well. With a climbing pole, both may reach a height of 3 feet.

Instead of climbing, most indoor gardeners will grow them as vining plants.

  • Growing Pattern

They grow in quite similar ways. Both plants are philodendrons that trail. Given that one of them has dyed their hair, they resemble identical sisters.

  • Comparison of Stem

Brazil has more aerial roots and is leggier.
There is barely any distinction between the stems.

We identified two significant differences. Longer stems of Philodendron Brazil will develop more quickly.

As a result, Brasil will frequently be longer than the tiny Cream Splash. The humidity affects this.

High humidity causes Brazil plants to become less lanky and more plump.

Brazil produces aerial roots that are more viscous than Cream Splash.

  • Color variations and differences

The variation in the leaves makes a significant difference. The leaves of the Cream Splash develop four distinct hues: lime yellow, green, light green, and cream.

Brazil, on the other hand, produces three hues on its leaves: yellow, light green, and green.

The main distinguishing feature between the two plants is the color of the variegations. Simply look for the cream color to identify your plant.

It is impossible for the Brazil philodendron to turn cream-colored. The yellow might occasionally appear cream colored after being bleached.

The yellow hue can be used as another means of distinction. A lime-colored yellow will develop on the Cream Splash.

A very prominent yellow will develop on the Brazil. On mature Brasil philodendrons, this yellow will show up.

The variegation’s development pattern is another distinction. The development pattern of the Cream Splash is peculiar.

It almost looks like someone painted the leaf. On Brazil, the variation appears more rounded and natural.

  • Flowers

Both philodendrons produce identical flowers. You won’t typically see a Cream Splash or Brazil in bloom.

The plants produce a lovely green spathe with a delicate white spadix when they are fully grown.

  • Heat and Humidity

The temperatures and humidity are also the same. Maintain a temperature of 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit.

Temperatures should never be lowered below 55 degrees. Their leaves may become irreversibly damaged by cold weather.

Keep the humidity at least 60%. Larger leaves are possible with higher humidity.

Brazil’s variegations benefit from humidity. On the Cream Splash philodendron, it doesn’t appear to matter.

  • Requirements for light

Maintain strong, indirect lighting. The leaves may become scorched by too much sun. Parts with variegation are more susceptible to light damage and may burn.

For ideal illumination, put the Cream Splash and Brasil in a north or east-facing window.

  • These philodendron varieties thrive in the morning sun. Philodendrons, especially sensitive varieties, suffer a great deal from midday and evening sun.

    Which is more likely to damage leaves?

Brazil can withstand leaf damage very well. Cream Splash, on the other hand, is vulnerable to harm.

Why is a mystery to us. I predict that the cream Splash has had too many gene mutations over the course of the year. But don’t be alarmed.

Which is more likely to damage leaves?

One out of twenty leaves will likely be damaged. The majority of leaves will go normally through their life cycle.

Just be careful not to expose the foliage to direct sunlight.

Similarities between philodendron cream splash and  brasil

Two of the simplest houseplants to grow are the Cream Splash and the Brasil. They both demand similar amounts of care and are extremely low-maintenance plants that may grow in a variety of environments.

Since they are both climbers, they will require assistance as they attempt to reach the top. It is possible to achieve this with a stake, moss poles, or even a trellis.

Since they both develop swiftly, you can anticipate fresh growth from them to appear pretty quickly.

They both require fertilization. During the summer and spring, apply a normal liquid fertilizer once a month.

To avoid fertilizing, you can alternatively repot your plants using worm castings.

Apply liquid fertilizer every three months in the winter and fall if you use it.

Brasil and Cream Splash Health effects

Avoid eating philodendrons. Their leaves contain oxalate, which when consumed can mix with calcium to form crystals.

Oxalosis, which harms organs, can result from consuming too much oxalates.

You can have bowel issues, and your tongue and mouth will enlarge. Try to keep Brasil and Cream Splash away from young children and ravenous pets.

Common Problems with Both Philodendron Plants

Although philodendrons are mostly low-maintenance plants, they can occasionally succumb to mealybugs, scale, mites, and root rot.

The most significant issue, root rot, is brought on by overwatering. The leaves will begin to droop and become yellow before becoming brown. It will also squish up the stem.

You must take your plant out of the pot and replant it in new, well-draining soil if you fear it has root rot. Mealybugs are tiny, white insects that consume plant sap.

Spraying them with soapy water or applying a pesticide will get rid of them. Scales are tiny, brown insects that stick to the stems and leaves of plants.

They can result in yellowing leaves because they suckers sap from plants. An pesticide or a spray of soapy water can be used to get rid of scale.

Spider-like insects known as spider mites feed on the sap of plants. They may result in the plant’s webbing and fading of the leaves.

An insecticide or a water spray might be used to get rid of spider mites.


Both the Philodendron cream splash and the Philodendron brasil are low-maintenance indoor plants. They aren’t the same, though.

The Philodendron “Cream Splash” is shorter and has thinner roots than the Philodendron “Brasil.”

The Philodendron cream splash needs more indirect light, whilst the Philodendron brasil thrives in low light.

Both the cream splash and brazil philodendrons are resilient indoor plants that do well in a range of conditions.

Both have quick growth and rapid multiplication. These philodendrons would be a welcome addition to any indoor area. Despite the fact that they both require comparable upkeep.


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