Philodendron Luxurians Chocolate: Characteristics And Appearance

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Araceae is a family of uncommon plant species, and Philodendron Luxurians is one of them.

This Philodendron has huge, deep green leaves in the shape of hearts that make it the ideal indoor plant.

This plant has a seductive appearance because to the velvety surface of the leaves. This gorgeous foliage is a high-maintenance plant since it needs regular care and attention.But, our care instructions will make it simple for novices to take care of it.

We shall discuss this unique species of Philodendron in this article. We will also discover how to grow it indoors and its fundamental requirements.

What is Philodendron luxurians chocolate 

Philodendron luxurians chocolate is one of the most beautiful aroids. The velvety leaves of this plant have an amazing iridescent luster. In contrast to vigorous vining like verrucosum, it shows a more scrambling growth habit.

It was initially identified as a Philodendron gloriosum ‘Terciopelo Redondo’ from Chocó, Colombia, when it entered the horticultural or ornamental trade market.

What is Philodendron luxurians chocolate

Many assumed it to be a new Philodendron gloriosum cultivar or clone. Philodendron Chocó is the other commercial name.

Not until Croat, D. P. Hannon, and R. Kaufmann described it as a species in 2020. It was assigned to the Philodendron subgenus. Additionally, Philodendron gloriosum is its closest ally. Its series is Rupicola, and its section and subsection are both Philodendron.

Scientific name: Philodendron luxuriant 

Common names: P. gloriosum “Terciopelo

Redondo” or Philodendron “Chocó”
Araceae Family Tribe: Philodendreae (aroids or arum family)

Native location: Colombia, Chocó 

Characteristics and appearance of Philodendron luxurians chocolate

How does the Philodendron luxurians grow, and what do the leaves, stems, and flowers look like?

  • Growing habits 

The perennial ground-creeping plant P. luxurians is similar to the Philodendron gloriosum in appearance, although it differs noticeably. It grows naturally in the Chocó Department of Colombia’s lowlands along the Pacific Ocean at elevations up up to 984 feet (300m).

Growing habits 
Credit source:etsy

The juvenile and adult forms are similar. However, the former has smaller leaves with horseshoe-shaped sinuses on the cordate base lobes. These lobes may close together, overlap, or be wider near the tip in mature plants.

  • Philodendron luxurians chocolate leaves 

It has broad, heart-shaped, erect or spreading leaves that are 15–21.2 inches (38–54 cm) long and 11.8–16.9 inches (30–43 cm) wide.

The border is paler than the upper surface, which is velvety, matte, and dark green with noticeable pale yellowish-green pronounced veins.

Philodendron luxurians chocolate leaves 
Credit source:etsy

The lower surface, in contrast, is softer, semi-glossy, faintly reddish-pink, and has prominent, rounded, pale green matte veins. Particularly noticeable and like cracked glass are the lower leaf cross-veins.

  • Stem  

Younger plants have sinuses that are horseshoe-shaped (horse-shaped, or open), whereas adult plants have sinuses that are broad toward the apex, closed, or overlapping.

Finally, the 15.7-34.3 inch (40-87 cm) long leaf blades are subterete, brilliant to medium green, and slightly longer than the petioles. Yet, they feature pale streaks that are broken on the bottom side and continuous (unbroken) toward the top third of the petiole length.

Credit source:etsy

Ground-creeping repent, stem (growing roots at nodes) stems have small internodes and a greenish to light brown color. 0.4-0.8 inches (1-2 cm) thick, with the possibility of being up to 1.4 inches (3.5 cm), and measuring 1.2-1.6 inches (3-4 cm) in length.

Its long, sharply 2-low ribbed cataphylls, measuring 5.9–10.6 inches (15–27 cm), survive or are unharmed. But, they will change to pale fibers, then medium brown, reddish brown, and then.

  • Flowers 

On an axil, Philodendron luxurians will produce one to two unisexual inflorescences. Their peduncle is light green, tinged brilliant red at the top, and has short, coarse ridges at the base of the spathe.

The spathe features a constriction separating the top blade or limb from the lower convolute chamber or tube, similar to the majority of taxa in this genus. It has a smooth exterior that is semi-glossy and glossy interior.

At anthesis, the tube is medium green on the outside, with the exception of thick, pale streaks and a reddish-tinged border. The purple violet color at the outer margin aside, the interior is milky white.

The blade, on the other hand, is a creamy white color. However due to microscopic speckles, the exterior has a pink tint.

The spadix is divided into three sections: the upper male part, middle sterile part, and lower female part (pistillate)

How to Care for Philodendron Luxurians chocolate

Regular watering is required for Philodendron Luxurians, once every two days in the summer and once per week in the winter. It should be placed 6 feet away from a window in the north, east, or west.

How to Care for Philodendron Luxurians chocolate
Credit source:esty

Maintain a humidity level in the room of 60% or above, and the ambient temperature should be between 18 and 25 °C. It grows best in well-draining soil, which should be fed monthly with a balanced NPK fertilizer.

Watering Requirements

Since Philodendron Luxurians is indigenous to the rainforests of Ecuador and Columbia, where it frequently rains, it gets a lot of water from those areas.

Yet, you cannot water it copiously like you would in its natural environment when growing indoors. The soil and airflow inside are not as conducive to this plant’s ability to absorb all the water as they are in rainforests. Thus, root rot can readily result from excessive irrigation.

Throughout the summer, you need water this plant every day or two. On the other hand, throughout the winter the soil takes longer to dry. As a result, you should only water this plant once each week.

Soil Requirements 

For this Species to thrive, the soil must be acidic to neutral and well-draining. Choose a pot that is the appropriate size and has a drainage hole

But even good soil won’t help your plant if the bottom drainage hole is plugged. In this manner, root rot brought on by standing water will still affect your plant.

For Philodendron Luxurians, you can either use ordinary houseplant potting soil or create your own potting soil. This plant thrives in a mixture of potting soil, peat moss, humus, and gritty sand.

To boost the soil’s organic content, you should also incorporate some leaves into this combination.


This variety of Philodendron requires mild sunshine to maintain a healthy growth rate. Diffused sunlight or some shade are both considered to be medium sunlight. This plant does not do well in direct sunshine since it scorches its attractive leaves.

This plant should be placed six feet away from a window for the best results. It’s not a good idea to have windows on the south since they get too much direct sunshine all day. The optimum location for this plant in your house would be close to a western, eastern, or northern window.

Temperature specifications 

Philo Philip enjoys warm settings. In the summer, this plant prefers temperatures between 20°C and 25°C. Its leaves may wilt if temperatures rise over this range.

This Species prefers a temperature range of 18 to 20 degrees during the winter. It is preferable not to keep its pot outside during the winter because it is prone to cold ailments.

The regular growth of this plant is likewise adversely affected by abrupt temperature changes. You shouldn’t move it about as much as a result. Maintain it in the same cozy location inside your house.

Humidity for Philodendron Luxurians chocolate

In order for the foliage of a Philodendron Luxurians to grow healthily, it must be kept in a space with a humidity level of at least 60%. It is hard to produce this level of humidity indoors simply by misting. So, you need to take extra steps to achieve this humidity level in your room.

To boost air humidity around this plant, put a bowl of water nearby or set its pot atop a pebble tray.

In the heat, it is challenging to get higher humidity levels. So, you should keep your Philo Luxurians in your well-lit bathroom during these months of dry air. The humidity in bathrooms is always above 50% to 60%.


This plant needs fertilizer to flourish properly. Your plant won’t grow properly if its soil lacks the necessary minerals. It will become lifeless and dull.

As a result, you should fertilize it once a month. A balanced NPK fertilizer works well for Philodendron Luxurians. Also, during the busiest growing season, you can fertilize it twice a month.

Credit source:etsy

Use the fertilizer diluted to half its strength if you want to fertilize this plant properly. By applying half the recommended quantity, as indicated on the label, you can lessen its potency.

This plant doesn’t require fertilizer during the winter. As the plant is dormant and doesn’t need a source of minerals, winter fertilizing actually does more harm than good to it.


It doesn’t require regular pruning. Its magnificent leaves don’t require any maintenance because they grow in such a beautiful pattern.

But, you ought to get rid of any sick or dead leaves right away. For this, sterile pruning shears or scissors should be used.

Be sure to get rid of any old leaves before the growing season. However during the months of active growth, no pruning or cutting is advised.

Conclusion on Philodendron Luxurians chocolate

Philodendron Luxurians chocolate is a tropical, evergreen plant that is also grown indoors as a houseplant. It has leaves that are up to 20 inches long and are dark green and heart-shaped.

You may grow this Philo as a patio or foyer plant because of the size of its leaves. It can serve as a backdrop for your other little plants in the corner of your living room.

Although it requires a lot of maintenance, once you understand its fundamental requirements, caring for it is simple.


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