Home GARDENING OTHER PLANTS Philodendron Luxurians: How To Grow And Care For It

Philodendron Luxurians: How To Grow And Care For It

Philodendron Luxurians: How To Grow And Care For It

The philodendron luxurians has a stunning foliage appearance when grown perfectly. The upper surface of the leaves is a deep velvety green, while the underside is whitish-green and pink.

If grown under suboptimal conditions, it will quickly take on a matte leaf appearance. But if you know what you’re doing, you’ll be rewarded with stunning foliage.

What Is Philodendron Luxurians?

The official scientific name for Philo luxurians is Philodendron luxurians. This evergreen shrub is characterized by its big, velvety leaves and bright white veins.

The foliage is a creeping shrub, and it can reach up to 20 inches in height. Its flowers are inconspicuous and white, with a red tinge at the apex.

What Is Philodendron Luxurians

Do philodendrons like humidity? The proper environment for growing Philodendron Luxurians is a room that has more than 60% humidity. This is not achievable indoors, so you’ll need to take additional steps to create this environment.

Place the plant six feet away from a window to achieve optimal sunlight, and try to avoid placing it in direct sunlight. If you must place it near a window, choose one that receives indirect light. It can also benefit from fluorescent lamplight to supplement the medium level.

Description Of The Philodendron Luxurians

The Philodendron luxurians is one of the most beautiful philodendrons, when grown to perfection. The upper leaf surface has the richest velvety dark green. The underleaf surface is whitish-green with a tinge of pink.

The leaves become matte in conditions that are less than ideal for the plant. The philodendrons like bright indirect light and regular watering.

This plant is extremely drought tolerant, but overwatering can result in the plant going dormant. To bring the plant back to life, water thoroughly and keep the humidity and temperature appropriate.

Description Of The Philodendron Luxurians

If you notice a plant slowing down or dying after transplanting it, the plant may be diseased. If you suspect it of a disease, you can treat it with pesticides or fungicides.

In order to propagate a Philodendron luxurians, you will need a mother plant, organic soil, and sphagnum peat moss.

You can use a small piece of plastic to wrap the stem in peat moss. Once the roots start to grow, cut off the branch and transplant it. It should take about three to four weeks to fully develop.

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Growing Habits Of The Philodendron Luxurians

The philodendron luxurians prefers the warmest climates, but it can still be grown successfully in a container outdoors. It prefers a high humidity of 60% to 70%.

However, it will tolerate up to 40% humidity. Depending on where you live, this humidity may be enough to maintain the plant’s health. This shrub is also susceptible to cold injury and pests.

Growing Habits Of The Philodendron Luxurians

The Philodendron luxurians is a ground-creeping evergreen perennial that has distinct characteristics. Its natural habitat is in the Choco Department of Colombia, where it grows at an elevation of 984 feet.

Juvenile forms have smaller leaves and sinuses resembling a horseshoe. The leaves on mature plants are larger, and the lobes tend to overlap and become wider at the apex.

The plant is propagated by taking stem cuttings that are 3-6 inches long. Cutting them just below the leaf and above the node. Leaving two or three leaves on the stem to encourage growth.

Placing the cuttings in water or soil for some days and waiting three months before transplanting them to a pot. Once the new roots emerge, you can now transplant the plants to new containers and enjoy the lush greenery!

Philodendron Luxurians vs Gloriosum

There are many varieties of Philodendron and they are very common in houseplants and conservatories.

Originally grown in northern Europe, they gained a worldwide following over the next two centuries. Today, they can be found in nearly every garden in the world and can be found in many public and private collections.

Despite the similarities in appearance, the two species are not the same. For instance, philo gloriosum has a distinctive spadix, while Philodendron Luxurians’ is diffuse.

Philodendron Gloriosum

This makes it difficult to distinguish between the two plants. It is also more difficult to grow than the ‘Gloriosum’ variety. Philodendron Luxurians is sometimes called Choco, but this is not a true variety.

As with most philodendron species, philodendron luxurians needs moist, well-drained soil. This mix should be rich in organic matter and retain water.

However, it should not become soggy. Some types of potting mixes are made specifically for Philodendrons. They need a moist medium, but not so much moisture, or else they will suffer from root rot.

Is Philodendron Luxurians A Rare Plant?

There are many reasons why philodendrons are considered rare. One of those reasons is the fact that only a third to half of the species have been described or published.

The remaining half are still in the process of obtaining diagnostic descriptions for publication in botanical journals. That means that a significant number of species will still be unknown in the next decade. Fortunately, there are many ways to ensure that your philodendron survives.

Is Philodendron Luxurians A Rare Plant

The foliage of Philodendron luxurians is medium green, with red borders and a creamy white inside. Unlike its more commonly known cousin, Philodendron gloriosum, the spadix on the clump is much more diffuse and can be hard to distinguish. The spadix of Philodendron luxurians contains three parts – an upper male and a lower female.

Is philodendron Luxurians A Crawler?

Philodendron Luxurians is a climber. It can grow up to 3 meters in height. The leaves of the philodendron luxurians are green and glossy. They grow in pairs along the stems and are about 10-14 cm long.

The stems are also green and glossy with white spots on them. The leaves of this plant also have prominent veins and are heart-shaped. It is a climber and requires a support system. It grows quickly and is often accompanied by a moss pole. The leaves of this plant have different texture and colors than those of other species.

How To Philodendron Luxurians Care

This plant is best grown in a soil that has acidic or neutral ph and is well-draining. It can be grown in a standard potting mix or a homemade soil mix.

For best results, make sure the soil is well-draining and has good organic content. LUXURIANS also grow well in shaded locations. A good general potting mix with organic matter is best. It is recommended to water the soil weekly.

Lighting And Temperature

The ideal lighting and temperature for Philodendron Luxurians are not so diiferent from other philodendrons. This plant prefers bright indirect sunlight, and needs plenty of water. It is best placed in a window that faces the east.

Care For Philodendron Luxurians

This will give it a nice dose of morning sun and help it grow faster. However, it is best to place the plant at least 3 feet away from the window opening to avoid harsh rays. It can tolerate a bit of partial shade, but not overly much.

The ideal temperature for this plant is 60°F. This is ideal if you want to keep the plant indoors, but it can tolerate lower temperatures as well.

Depending on the temperature of your home, you can grow your plant outdoors in a pot. You should also keep the plant out of direct sunlight. You can choose a container that is a little larger to allow it to grow.


As important as watering your philodendron is the right amount of relative humidity. If the humidity is too low, it can cause crispy edges on the leaves and can damage the plant.

For best results, you should maintain a relative humidity of 60% or more. Humidity is best controlled by using a humidifier, which is a good idea if you live in an area with low relative humidity.

A luxurian is best planted in a pot that retains moisture. Plastic, ceramic, or terra cotta pots are good choices. Avoid planting the plant in the winter, as it won’t adjust to the new environment.

If you’d like your philodendron to bloom, you can prune it regularly to remove any damaged leaves and flowers. Pruning is best done during the growing season, as it encourages the plant to focus on new growth.


If you’re a new gardener, one of the most important steps to taking care of your plant is watering it correctly. This perennial is sensitive to overwatering, so you want to make sure that the soil is always moist, but not so wet. You can achieve this by buying a general potting soil mix, and adding organic matter if you’re unsure of what to use.

Care For Philodendron Luxurians

While high sunlight and temperature can lead to evaporation, you should remember that this species of plant thrives in abundant shade and indirect sunlight. You can check the soil’s dryness by pressing a finger in it and if it feels dry, water it.

However, don’t overwater, as it can cause root rot. Watering Philodendron Luxurians correctly is essential to its continued growth.

The ph level of the soil for this plant should be neutral to slightly acidic. This is best achieved with a ph of five. You can also increase the ph level by adding liquid fertilizer. Vermiculite and coco coir are great soil amendments.

You can also use regular soil but avoid using it if possible. It will cause root rot if you use it for growing plants. Moreover, this species of philodendron prefers warm temperatures.

Soil And PH Requirements

When it comes to Philodendron Luxurians, the PH and soil conditions are very important. The plant needs acidic to neutral soil that drains well. It should also be in a pot that has a drainage hole.

If left in a pot that is too wet, the plant can suffer from root rot. You can use regular houseplant potting soil or create a homemade mix. The PH and soil mixture should contain peat moss, humus, and coarse sand. In addition to potting soil, it should also contain organic content and be acidic.

It is also important to pay attention to the plant’s health. It can develop various pest problems and be damaged by cold temperatures. Some of the most common pests that can harm this plant include aphids, spider mites, and mealybugs.

However, you can prevent these problems by taking care of your plant properly and following the instructions carefully. To ensure that the plant grows healthily, you should regularly water it.


Feeding your Philodendron Luxurians with a balanced houseplant fertilizer is essential for optimal growth and maintenance. Make sure that you dilute the fertilizer to half strength before adding it to the soil.

The most critical time for feeding your plant is during its growing season. Do not fertilize your plant during the winter months as this can cause the roots to dry out and be weakened.

Potting And Repotting

The plant prefers loose, well-drained soil that retains moisture. The potting mix for this plant should be moist but not soggy.

There are several potting mixes that are made specifically for Philodendrons. You can also use aroid mixes or pot mixes with peat or cocoa. A good way to maintain a moist potting mix is by regularly watering the plant.


When you’re potting a philodendron, it’s important to maintain the turgor pressure. This pressure allows the plant to take in air for photosynthesis and moisture for transpiration.

Turgor pressure is important for the survival of the plant, so make sure you maintain the correct amount of it. A philodendron’s turgor pressure is affected by overwatering, poor drainage, and diseases. Overwatering can also result in rot, which requires repotting.

Repotting your plant is necessary every two years. Your philodendron will double its size in two years. Repotting is a good time to prune the plant and move it to a larger pot twice as large as it was previously in.

Make sure to fertilize the new pot, as well as the new potting soil. During the process, you should also add more nutrients to the soil to ensure the plant is growing as fast as possible.


Pruning for Philodendron Luxturians is not as difficult as you might think. The leaves of this species comprise 80 percent of the plant, and the thin stems allow for ample clearance for the leafy branches.

Pruning for Philodendron Luxurians should be performed at the base of the stem, at the soil level, and only after the leaves have withered and fallen off. After this, no additional pruning is required.

After pruning for Philodendron Luxurians, take care not to cut the stem too short. At least two leaves are necessary for the plant to be healthy. The cut stem should be placed in a clean glass jar, with the leaves still attached. This plant can survive a severe winter, so don’t rush into pruning it. You’ll need time to adjust it to the conditions of the soil.

USDA Hardiness Zone

The ideal growing area for Philodendron Luxurians is USDA hardiness zones 10 to 11. However, they can be grown in pots outdoors in a USDA hardiness zone that is below these zones.

The ideal humidity level for this plant is 60% to 70%, although lower humidity may be suitable, depending on location. However, if you live in an area that gets extremely cold winters, it is probably best not to plant this plant.

How To Propagate The Philodendron Luxurians Plant

There are several different ways to propagate the Philodendron Luxurians plant. The most popular of these is through cuttings. The stems are thin, giving the leaves plenty of clearance.

Propagate The Philodendron Luxurians Plant

Cuttings are easy to root and have a high propagation success rate. Air layering is also an effective method of propagating the plant.

Stem Cuttings

First, make sure to select the correct soil for the plant. This plant needs a well-drained soil that has organic matter. It also needs the right sized pot.

Make sure the pot you decide to use has a drainage hole. Avoid soil that is too moist or the plant will develop root rot. If the soil has too much organic content, the roots will get suck out of the pot.

Next, choose a well-drained soil that has a high water-retention rate. The ideal temperature for growing the Philodendron is between sixty-six degrees Fahrenheit, and the humidity level is at least 50%.

It is best to use air-layering, rather than regular stem cutting, as it is safer for the plant. You can also repot your Philodendron plant in a pot with two to three inch holes in the bottom.

Air Layering

A Philodendron Luxurians plant can be propagated by air layering. You’ll need a mother plant and organic potting soil or sphagnum peat moss for this propagation method.

You’ll cut a branch off the mother plant when the roots are fully developed. This propagation method is best used outside. The soil should drain well. Then, place the cutting in a clean glass jar.

Propagate The Philodendron Luxurians Plant

Although it is a difficult plant to grow, it will survive in moderate lighting. The foliage emerges in a copper color and climbs if given the chance. It is the mother of heart-shaped leaves and mature specimens are breathtaking.

The leaves are large and velvety. You can arrange them as a creeper in a large container, or as a short totem. Either way, the foliage is a stunning addition to any room.

Water Propagation

When it comes to water propagation of Philodendron Luxurians, it’s important to follow the instructions carefully. Once you’ve taken a cutting, make sure it has at least three leaves on the stem.

Place it in a clean glass jar. After three to four weeks, it should already have roots. Water the plant once or twice a week for the first two weeks.

You should place luxurians near a sunny window if you’re growing them in a container. If possible, try to place them near a south window or east window during the midday sun. You can also place them in a west or east-facing window for morning and evening sun.

Common Philodendron Luxurians Problems And Their Solution

Some of the common issues that can affect your Philodendron Luxurians include cold injury and yellowing leaves. You can also encounter problems with pests. Listed below are a few common pest problems that can affect your plant, along with solutions for them.

Pesticides are a good option to keep away insects and diseases, but be sure to follow instructions carefully. A well-kept Philodendron can be a beautiful addition to any garden.

Diseases And Pests

If you’re growing a Philodendron Luxurians indoors, you’ll have to provide proper humidity for your plant. This plant needs about 60 percent humidity, and can’t get that level by simply misting it.

However, there are some measures you can take to get closer to this level, like placing it over a pebble tray. However, it’s important not to overwater it, since that can cause root decay.

Diseases And Pests

Some diseases and pests that can infect your Philodendron are root decay and cold injury. You can avoid these by making sure the soil is properly moist and maintain the appropriate humidity and temperature.

You can also use insecticidal soap to repel pests. Another problem that can be a cause of yellowing leaves is root rot. You can treat this problem by repotting the plant or using a fungal insecticide.

The most common pests of Philodendron Luxurians are spider mites, mealybugs, aphids, and scale. These pests feed on the sap of the plant and can weaken the plant. Therefore, it’s important to inspect the plant frequently for pests and treat them with pesticides, neem oil, or insecticidal soap.

Brown and Drooping Leaves

If your Philodendron Luxurians has brown and drooping leaves, the first thing you need to do is remove them. If they are still healthy, you can leave them alone until spring. However, you should cut them off and discard them if they are withered.

In addition, it is important to keep them moist during the winter. The plant cannot adapt to dry conditions during winter. Pruning is necessary to remove dead or damaged leaves, but it must be done during the growing season.


Toxicity of Philodendron Luxurians is a major concern for those who own or grow the plant. The plant contains calcium oxalate crystals, which can cause severe irritation and burning of the mouth.

Toxicity of Philodendron Luxurians

It can also lead to drooling and difficulty in breathing. In severe cases, it can be life-threatening. Additionally, the sap of Philodendron Luxurians can irritate the eyes and cause contact dermatitis. So, it is best to prevent direct contact with the plant and keep it away from the reach of children and pets.


If you’re interested in growing a beautiful Philodendron plant for your home, you might have to decide on which propagation method to use. There are three main types of propagation you can use, these are soil, water, and air layering.

If you’re a beginner, soil propagation is probably your best choice. Water propagation is also a great option, but it’s not easy. Water-propagation methods require time and energy. However, if you’re a knowledgeable grower, you should have no trouble keeping a healthy plant in your home.

During the spring, you should repot Philodendron Luxurians to a slightly larger pot, as it won’t take root well if the soil is too cold. The old soil is carefully removed and replaced with fresh soil.

Once the new soil is placed, little shoots will emerge from the base of the shrub. These young shoots can be used to propagate the plant. In addition, you’ll want to fertilize your new plant every couple of years, as this is a crucial process.

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