Philodendron Patriciae: How to Grow This Beautiful Plant

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Philodendron patriciae is a native plant in the Chocó region of Colombia. Thomas Croat first described it in 2010 and named it after his wife Patricia. It has been dubbed “one of the most magnificent species of the genus Philodendron in history of philodendrons.”

Its leaves are heart-shaped, and there are hundreds of species, including the rare and endangered philodendron, whose long, heart-shaped leaves have become increasingly rare and command high prices.

The soil for the philodendron patraciae should be rich in organic matter, such as peat moss, which will help the plant’s roots grow. If you can afford to do so, this plant will flourish in your garden.

What Is Philodendron Patriciae?

The epiphytic plant, Philodendron Patriciae, is native to Colombia. It needs very little care and grows easily with only a moderate supply of water and light. Plants from this genus should be pruned and fertilized once in a while, but not frequently.

Its leaves can be pushed upwards and can form an oblong shape. It is a very good plant for patios and chuppahs, as well as giving your garden or porch a touch of shade and ornamental value.

What Is Philodendron Patriciae

If you plan on growing this plant in your garden, make sure you have the proper soil and light conditions. It needs a medium that drains well and does not sit in a wet environment. It also requires moderate temperatures.

If you want to enjoy the beauty of this gorgeous plant, you must ensure its soil is well-draining. It is also best to mist it occasionally, especially during the summer months, to prevent it from drying up.

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Does Philodendron Patriciae Climb?

This plant can be a messy climber if it is not pruned regularly. The roots of the plant are deep and spread out to support the leaves and stem. As a result, you must regularly prune the plant to prevent it from getting too large.

Does Philodendron Patriciae Climb

You can use a pruning knife to remove weak or dying leaves. Make sure that the pruning tool is sterilized. Using a contaminated tool could introduce harmful microbes to the plant.

A mature Philodendron patriciae has one or two inflorescences per axil. The flowers are showy and large, but they are short-lived. The seed is tiny and germinates quickly. If you want to grow this plant as an ornamental plant, you’ll want to plant it in a sunny location in your garden.

Is The Philodendron Patriciae Rare?

Philodendron Patriciae plants are not very rare. They are found in tropical rainforests, but you may be lucky to find one in your homeland. Many of them are epiphytic, meaning they live on nearby plants.

They require a lot of light, and should never be kept in a closed storage space. It is recommended to place them outside, where they will receive natural sunlight.

Philodendron patriciae leaves are distinctive and beautiful. The flowering period of the philodendron patriciae lasts from July to September. The flowers are small and green.

The Philodendron Patriciae Rare

The flowers are produced in clusters, and the male and female parts of the plant have separate staminodes. These staminodes shed pollen 30 hours after the stage of flowering. It is important to observe the staminodes and make sure they are intact.

Imported Philodendron patriciae plants began to appear in the commercial exotic plant trade in the mid-2000s, but were often expensive. The plant’s high mortality rate made it extremely expensive.

During the last five years, the species has become more common in cultivation. The plant has become increasingly common in nurseries in the United States and some wild-collected Colombian sprouts have also appeared. However, the plant’s rarity is likely to persist, which is why it is often pricey.

Philodendron Patriciae Plant Size

This is one of the most beautiful species of philodendrons. It has large leaves that can reach 48 inches (1.25 meters) long and 11 inches (28 cm) wide if grown under optimal conditions. The average size of the leaves on a philodendron Patriciae plant is 30 inches (75 cm) long and 18 inches (45 cm) wide.

Philodendron Patriciae Plant Size

If you keep your plant in a normal room temperature and provide it with adequate ventilation and humidity, it will likely reach an average leaf length of 30 inches (75 cm) long. In addition to its size, Philodendrons can reach 30 feet (7.5 meters) long, and can reach 18 inches/45 cm in thickness.

The plant is an epiphytic species, meaning it can grow on other plants. It is also commonly grown in pots, but the soil used for potting may not contain enough natural minerals for this type of plant.

Adding organic matter to your soil will improve the soil conditions and help your plant grow in an attractive manner. Despite its low maintenance requirements, it can become quite messy when growing.

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How To Plant The Philodendron Patriciae

The soil is crucial when it comes to planting the Philodendron Patriciae. It needs to be well-drained and allow for the roots to breathe. It is also important to avoid compacting the soil, which will cause damage to the plant.

The soil should also have a slightly acidic pH of five to six. In addition to using an all-purpose fertilizer, you may want to incorporate organic materials into the soil.

How To Plant The Philodendron Patriciae

The best way to care for your plant is to be careful when planting it. It is an epiphyte, which means it will visit other plants nearby for support. However, it is possible to grow it in a pot, which may not provide the nutrients it needs.

Also, the soil may not contain natural minerals. When planting in a pot, it is a good idea to use soil that contains plenty of organic material, as it will provide better soil conditions.

If the temperature in your garden is too high, make sure to keep the philodendron away from excessive heat and sunlight. Heat stress can be detrimental to plants, and it can also cause them to succumb to diseases and infections.

Therefore, it is best to keep the temperature of your garden at 55 degrees Fahrenheit or lower. If you live in a cold climate, you may have to keep your plant indoors for a few months.

Is The Philodendron Patriciae Toxic

The plant is toxic for dogs and cats. It contains calcium oxalate, an insoluble mineral that can cause mouth irritation. Chewing it can lead to severe oral irritation, including sore gums, drooling, and swallowing difficulties.

The plant was subsequently collected and studied by Michael Grayum and Barry Hammel. These researchers found that Philodendron patriciae is toxic, and it is therefore considered a “threatened” species.

Is The Philodendron Patriciae Toxic

The leaves of the this plant are immensely green, but occasionally they will turn yellow. This can be caused by a lack of magnesium, a mineral that helps plants absorb Vitamin D from sunlight.

The plant does not need much water to survive, but it does need moderate temperatures. To restore the health of its leaves, fertilize the plant with a magnesium-rich fertilizer. It can be kept in an indoor area, but the temperature should not be too high.

Caring For The Philodendron Patriciae

In general, the Philodendron Patriciae has an excellent climate for a tropical plant, which makes it a great choice for a home environment. However, the plant will need a little extra care.

To keep it healthy, you should give it plenty of sunlight and water. If you wish to grow it indoors, it should be grown in a pot, although you should take into account that the soil in the pot may not contain the natural minerals that it requires to thrive.

Leaf Care

The Philodendron Patriciae has massive leaves with huge roots that act as a support system. It is essential to monitor its health, especially when it appears limp. This could be a sign that it is deficient in certain minerals.

If the leaves are yellow or droopy, they may need water. If the leaves are dry, they should be misted. You can also prune them to promote new growth.

Caring For The Philodendron Patriciae

This beautiful plant has several species. Each species has its own unique characteristics, and some are larger than others. This variety is one of the most spectacular pendent leaf aroids, and there are many different types.

Its leaves are up to twenty to thirty centimeters long and rippled. It also has showy porcelain white-edged light pink spathes.

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Soil And PH

The right mix of soil and Philodendron Patriciae is essential to the successful growth of this beautiful, tropical plant. The Philodendron needs well-drained soil with sufficient room to breathe.

Compacted soils will cause damage to your plant, so choose a slightly acidic, well-drained soil. You can improve soil’s fertility by adding organic materials. After potting, you should repot your plant every two to three years.

When it comes to the growing medium of this plant, you must use a well-draining mix for the plant’s roots. This ensures that the plant will get the proper moisture while avoiding water logging.

To maintain a healthy plant, you should keep the top half of the soil dry. You should also feed it once a month during the spring and summer months. Make sure that it’s evenly moist, but not wet.


Once the soil is properly drained, it is time to water the Philodendron Patriciae. The top half of the soil should be dry before watering.

In addition, it is important to have a well-draining medium as too much water can cause a whole host of problems for your plant. Watering the Philodendron Patriciae every month is the best way to ensure the plant grows healthily.

Caring Philodendron Patriciae

Although this plant is very adaptable, it does require regular watering. It needs moderately warm temperatures and a humidity of 60 percent or more. Caring of this plant depends on the climate in your area.

If you live in a temperate climate, you may need to add supplemental lights to make sure that the plant remains healthy. A well-lit room will help the plant grow.

Light And Temperature

The most important considerations when caring for your plant include light and temperature. This species of philodendron thrives in moist soil and moderately warm temperatures.

It can also tolerate high humidity. However, you should try to place your plant away from bright lights and windows. Although this plant is drought-tolerant, it will not survive in very dry conditions. When watering your plant, be sure to mist it regularly so that the roots are adequately hydrated.

Another essential aspect of light and temperature when caring for Philodendron Patriciae is to prevent it from becoming too hot or too cold. Temperatures over 90 degrees Fahrenheit can kill a plant and make it susceptible to attack or infection.

To protect your plant from extreme temperatures, keep it indoors during winter months or in cooler climates. Also, keep it away from frost because it is highly sensitive to cold and can succumb to diseases.


For optimal growth of Philodendron patriciae, it is important to choose the proper humidity level. If the humidity level is too high or too low, the plant will not grow properly. The humidity level for this plant should be between 50 and 60 percent.

It should not be too humid or too dry to keep the plant alive. If the temperature is between 70 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit, it should be fine. If the humidity level is too high or too low, it will cause the plant to die.

growth of Philodendron patriciae

The humidity level for this plant should be at least 50 percent. However, this is not necessary for all plants. The plant does best when it receives a medium amount of sunlight. If the light is too low, it can suffer from etiolation, which is the yellowing of leaves. Ideally, the plant should receive at least half of its daily light.

During the summer months, the humidity level should be high enough to keep the plant healthy. For the winter, the humidity level should be between 45 and 60 percent. If it is too low, the plant can become dehydrated. It is also better to plant it in a warm place than in a dry one.


Fertilizing the Philodendron patriciae is an important aspect of growing the plant. Depending on the amount of light it receives, you may need to apply a fertilizer to the whole plant, or just the spadix.

Depending on the type of plant, you may need to apply a fertilizer every two weeks. The plant’s foliage is usually yellow, but it can also be pink or purple. In either case, you will need to avoid fertilizing it too often.

The soil needs to be well-drained so that the plant has plenty of space to grow. If the soil is too dense or compacted, the roots will suffer from nutritional starvation.

However, if you use a balanced fertilizer, it will benefit the plant. Use nitrogen fertilizer. It is important to remember that the plant requires a pH of 5 to 6.


If you’re interested in growing a magnificent pendent leaf aroid, then you may be wondering about pruning the Philodendron Patriciae. There are several species of this plant.

Depending on its age, these plants can have up to twenty-three ribbed leaves of sub-velvety dark green. They are also beautiful, with showy porcelain-white edged pink spathes.

pruning the Philodendron Patriciae

When pruning a philodendron, it’s important to know which parts need to be removed and which parts can be left alone. Remove any parts that may be intertwined or stunting the growth of the plant.

Use a sanitized pruning tool to prevent the spread of disease. In addition to pruning, you should keep your philodendron clean from pests and diseases by regularly cleaning and sanitizing pruning tools.

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Potting And Repotting

Carefully remove the old potting medium from the Philodendron Patriciae. It may be tightly packed. Unclump it by hand and trim away the damaged parts. The roots should be tan or white.

Then, cut four vertical incisions in the roots. This will encourage new root growth. Replace the old potting medium with a fresh one for a fresh start, and press down gently to eliminate air pockets.

Suitable Mulch

Using a suitable mulch for the Philodendron Patriciae can help you keep this plant healthy. It acts as a barrier to moisture and traps vapor, which prevents it from evaporating from the substrate.

While this plant does not need to be re-potted, you should regularly prune its leaves and stems to encourage healthy growth. It can also benefit from a layer of mulch to add to its aesthetic value.

The soil requirements for this plants is the moist and fluffy type of soil, and it should be slightly acidic. It should also be grown in soil that is moist and arable. It can be planted in soil that is 20 percent compost and 10 percent peat, or you can add philodendron bark to the soil. This mixture will help the plant maintain a moist environment.

Philodendron Patriciae Propagation

Philodendron Patriciae can be propagated by reusing its stems. Once a plant has been successfully propagated, it can be planted in multiple locations. It can be grown in water or soil and requires little care. This plant grows perfectly in well-drained soil. For a larger garden, it is best to use a soil-based potting mix.

Propagate In Soil

The best way to propagate Philodendron Patriciae in soil is by cuttings. The cuttings should have at least one or two nodes to ensure a good root system. Some growers say cuttings must be placed in water to root, but knowledgeable gardeners simply place them in moist soil and allow them to root. Once the cutting has roots, it can be planted on soil to form a new plant.

Philodendron Patriciae Propagation

When planting Philodendron in soil, keep in mind that there are two kinds of flowers: male and female. Male flowers are usually larger than female flowers, while females are smaller. Hybrids are also possible, but they are not as common.

It’s possible to find hybrids that are very similar to the native species, but they may be different enough to cause confusion among gardeners. A hybrid is not a true flower, it’s a mixture of two or more species that cannot be traced back to its original habitat.

Propagate In Water

Another method is to plant the seeds in water. However, Philodendron Patriciae cannot tolerate too much water and needs balanced fertilization once a month. If you choose to plant the seeds in soil, make sure that they get a little bit of shade, as direct sunlight can burn the leaves.

Ensure that they have enough water for them to root again before transplanting them to a larger pot. A monthly fertilization is sufficient to give your plant enough nutrients.

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Common Problems With The Philodendron Patriciae

If you are having problems with your Philodendron Patriciae, it may be time to prune it. With the right pruning tools, you can keep your plant’s growth, height, and dimensions under control.

You can also propagate the plant to grow in multiple locations. To propagate these plants, you must first root a stem and replicate it. Here are some common problems with the Philodendron Patriciae plant.

Fungal Attack

The Philodendron Patriciae is an epiphytic plant, which means that it is constantly visiting other plants nearby. It will often suffer from soil-borne fungus diseases, which attack the roots of the plant.

The result is a stunted plant with leaves that turn brown or yellow and eventually drop off. The fungus causes the plant to lose its leaves and grow stunted.

Overwatering And Too Much Light

Its most common problems involve overwatering and too much light. It is best to water the plant when the top half of the soil is dry. It needs a medium that drains well to survive in a dry climate.

Overwatering And Too Much Light

Feeding your Philodendron Patriciae once a month during the spring and summer is recommended. The plant is very sensitive to frost and should be protected from extreme cold or heat.

If you notice yellow or brown leaves on your Philodendron plant, you have probably overwatered it. Overwatering robs the soil of moisture and causes root-rot. Water your philodendron only when the soil feels dry and make sure to put a pebble tray underneath the pot to catch any extra water that drips out of the pot.

Some philodendrons even have naturally occurring yellow leaves, so you can spot an overwatering problem by watching their leaves drop off.

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Spider Mites

Spider mites can also affect your philodendron plant. These pests are hard to spot with the naked eye. However, they can be a serious problem.

Spider mites can also affect your philodendron plant

The mites feed on the sap from the leaves and can cause the leaves to turn brown or yellow. Spider mites can also damage the roots of the Philodendron. In severe cases, they can even cause the entire plant to die.

If you want to make sure that your philodendron plant is pest-free, you should use horticulture oils. These oils are available in the market. The oils can be applied directly to the plant or in the soil. The oils will penetrate the pest’s membrane and suffocate it.


The leaves of Philodendron Patriciae are a beautiful shade of green, but when they are in poor condition, the foliage will turn yellow or brown. This can be caused by a lack of magnesium in the soil, or by indoor lighting. To restore the leaf’s color, try adding a magnesium-rich fertilizer. However, if this is not possible, you can always use a cottage or a ramet to house the plant.

When it is time to prune the plant, you can use clippers or a pruning saw to remove dead branches or problematic areas. You can also prune the stems to maintain the height and width of the plant.

If you don’t want to do the work yourself, you can propagate Philodendron Patriciae by cutting them and rooting the stems. This can be done without cost or additional effort. This method will allow you to have multiple plants in different places.

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