Rose Companion Plants Great For Your Garden

Must Try

There are many options for rose companion plants. There are nepeta, alliums, sage, and pincushions. You can use your imagination to find the right combination for your garden. Consider how each plant will complement your roses and which ones have different characteristics. Some flowers provide interesting textures, while others add more blooms around the ground level.

Roses can be planted with other plants that complement the blooming beauty of the rose. When pairing them with other plants, height, color, and texture are all factors to consider. Some examples of rose companion plants include speedwell, which grows in soil with good drainage. Salvia plants are another option because of their spikey leaves that contrast with the flowers of the rose. While not a perfect match, these plants will look lovely alongside roses.

Listed below are some great ideas for rose companion plants. Enjoy! Let your imagination run wild!


Sage is a great plant for your garden. It’s hardy and easy to grow and provides a number of benefits. In addition to being beneficial to the rose, sage can also help to repel pests. It deters rust flies from carrots and brassicas and can be used to add flavor to your strawberries. This herb also makes an excellent border for your vegetable patch. You can use it in flower arrangements as well.

Sage is a great plant for your garden

Red salvia has similar growth requirements to Russian sage but prefers full sun or partial shade. Like Russian sage, it likes moist, but not too wet, soil. Both types of sage require 6 to eight hours of direct sunlight. These plants will also self-seed. They grow best in well-drained soil. Adding these two plants to your garden will create a spectacular display in the summertime.

Pincushions Flower

When planted near a rosy flowering plant, Pincushions bloom from early spring through late summer. They grow to about a foot tall and can tolerate periods of drought. Because pincushions are a light feeder, they don’t need a lot of water. However, they do tolerate being sheared in early fall to encourage new blooms. In some regions, pincushions are treated as an annual.

Pincushions Flower

If you are looking for a flowering plant with a unique appearance, Pincushions are a great choice. Their unique snout-shaped blooms are attractive and complement roses well. These beautiful plants also tolerate low moisture. They come in every hue, so they can complement any rose’s color scheme. Choosing a colour will depend on the rest of your garden’s design, but Pincushions are an excellent companion to Roses.


If you have a rose and are looking for its companion plants, consider snapdragons. They will grow well with roses and thrive in the same conditions as your rose. While they don’t bloom at the same time, snapdragons will fill in for dying roses. Snapdragons also pair well with other plants like polyanthus and wallflowers. Depending on your climate, you can expect snapdragons to bloom in six to eight weeks.

consider snapdragons

They are perennial plants in hardiness zones seven through ten, and are available in dwarf, intermediate, and tall varieties. The latter are perfect for container gardening. Some cultivars are so small that they can be planted in containers or in part shade. However, if you live in a warmer climate, you may have to store snapdragons indoors. If the weather is too hot during the summer, they’ll cease to bloom, so make sure to replant them in the fall when cooler nights arrive.


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Alliums are hardy perennials that add fragrance and color to any garden. They also help to attract beneficial insects, such as bees, butterflies, and pollinators. In addition, their onion-like scent also helps to repel pests, such as aphids. And, as their flowers appear in mid-spring before the roses, they can attract hummingbirds as well. If you’re looking for a companion plant for your rose, consider trying these.

Alliums are hardy perennials that add fragrance and color to any garden.

Alliums are excellent companions for roses, as their odor repels most insects, including aphids. When choosing a companion plant, remember that contrasting color schemes are not as important as similar care requirements. To complement roses in contrasting colors, you can try Alyssum. This low-growing groundcover comes in white, pink, and purple and adds a striking look to any rose bed.


One of the most important things to consider when choosing a Lavender companion with Rose is spacing. This is because the two plants require different amounts of water, and you need to ensure that they are well-spaced apart. Alternatively, you can plant both lavender and roses side-by-side in the same location. To help you choose the best location, here are some tips for selecting the perfect companion plants:

Lavender companion with Rose

Choose a spot in your garden where you can devote time to both plants. Lavenders like dry soil, while roses need moist soil. While roses require regular watering, lavenders can be kept dry with only weekly watering. In hotter climates, they need watering daily. Make sure to wear gauntlet gloves when working with both plants. Lavenders require a lot less water than roses, so it is best to use mulch to conserve water.


As a companion plants to the Rose, alyssum is a low-maintenance and beneficial plant. Though it can be grown in many different climates, it is susceptible to diseases and pests. The main culprits are poorly draining soil and insufficient spacing. Downy mildew can occur on the underside of the leaves. To avoid this, ensure adequate spacing and adequate airflow around the plants.

alyssum is a low-maintenance and beneficial plant

Alyssum and roses are often grown in the same area. Their sun requirements are similar, and they do well together. However, snapdragons do best in cooler climates. These perennials can tolerate USDA Zones 7 to 11, and may not bloom at the same time as the roses. They are slightly thirstier than other perennials. Alyssum also looks nice in a mixed border, and a clump of them can make an attractive focal point.

Alyssum is not an absolute companion to the Rose, but it is a beneficial plant that attracts ladybugs. Ladybugs are beneficial insects that feast on aphids, which can severely impact the rose’s buds. Moreover, alyssum will protect your roses from White Grubs, a garden pest that can severely stunt them. And it discourages weeds!


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A perennial with a long history of growing in gardens, Foxgloves can also make a beautiful companion plants with roses. The flowering spikes of the purple variety can reach six feet in height, making it a very dramatic addition to your landscape. However, they are susceptible to crown rot and should be spaced well so that they receive adequate air circulation. Leaf and powdery mildew are also common problems, so be sure to check the plants carefully for any signs of these problems.

Foxgloves can also make a beautiful companion plants with roses

A good choice for pairing roses and foxgloves is a lady’s mantle, which grows well in zones five through nine. The flowers of this perennial are reminiscent of roses and are often the same color, though the two species are not necessarily compatible. Incompatible companions should be avoided, however. In particular, foxgloves should never be grown with succulents. Succulents have different needs and grow poorly in sun. Digitalis, on the other hand, has tall, flat stalks that won’t be aesthetically pleasing in an arrangement with foxgloves.

Lady’s Mantle

This semi-evergreen plant will need occasional fertilization, but it thrives in zones four through seven. Apply a balanced fertilizer such as Plantura All Purpose Plant Food during spring and fall, when the leaves start to sprout new foliage. Water during long dry periods to prevent soil compaction, and remove blooms when they fade. Despite its undemanding nature, Lady’s Mantle can be pruned after flowering to maintain its attractive shape.

Lady’s Mantle

The common name, lady’s mantle, comes from an ancient myth. It is said to be a cloak made from scalloped leaves, and it does look gorgeous in a garden. Plant it in part shade and partial sun. In a container garden, place it in a niche. It can also be used to skirt tulip blooms and cover bulb foliage. Lady’s Mantle blooms late in spring and can last through the summer.

Lady’s mantle is an old-fashioned perennial that thrives in a variety of soil types. In addition to being a beautiful companion plant for roses, it has medicinal uses. It has been used as a remedy for menstrual irregularities, as well as a natural menstrual aid. It is a hardy plant, thriving in zones three through eight. This versatile plant is an excellent companion plant for both roses and tulips.

Baby’s Breath

When choosing a Rose and Baby’s Breath companion plants, keep in mind that the former is more hardy and requires less maintenance. However, the baby’s breath will need a bit of care. It needs full sunlight, a pH of 7.0 or higher, and well-drained soil. Fertilizer is not necessary for baby’s breath, but a light mulching in spring may keep it from flopping over.

Baby’s Breath

This low-maintenance plant is best suited for sunny gardens, steppes, gravel, or raised beds. You must make sure the soil is well-drained and has adequate drainage in the root zone. You can plant a baby’s breath in large pots or containers as a lovely accent to your garden. The flowers of a baby’s breath are traditionally cut and used in flower arrangements.

You can grow a beautiful arrangement of Rose and Baby’s breath in the same bed. While a baby’s breath needs very little water, it can still get thirsty and suffer from pests. It is best to protect young plants from snails. It can grow in temperatures as low as -32 degrees Celsius, but avoid stagnant soil in winter. If it is watered too much, it may rot the roots and die.

Shasta Daisy

A Shasta Daisy and a Rose are perfect companions for a garden in any climate. They share a similar color palette and bloom in clusters 2 to 3 feet tall, with white petals and yellow disk florets. They are a classic garden flower and are equally attractive planted in clusters, as well as alone. For a more formal look, combine a Shasta Daisy with a rose, as these two flowers are equally attractive in a garden.

Shasta Daisy and a Rose are perfect companions

To plant a Shasta Daisy and a rose together, consider adding a companion plant. Many chrysanthemum varieties, especially in sunny yellow or pink-purple borders, are ideal companions for a Shasta Daisy and a rose. Add a bit of compost to the planting hole, and you’ll have a long blooming season. Besides roses, Shasta daisies also go well with coneflowers and salvias.


Growing marigolds as Rose Companion Plants is a great way to increase the health and productivity of your other plants. They deter pests, increase flower and fruit yields, and attract beneficial predatory insects. Marigolds are a common choice among many gardeners, although scientific evidence supporting such claims is not always available. Nonetheless, the benefits of pairing marigolds with roses are many. You can experiment with different pairings to determine which ones work best together.

Growing marigolds

Marigolds can range in size from 6 inches to 3 feet tall. They look their best at the rear of a flower bed and will compliment complementary colors. Marigolds look beautiful next to blue or purple flowers. Other companion plants include allium, coreopsis, salvia, geraniums, bachelor buttons, and lavender. Companion planting means planting different species of plants close together for mutual benefit. Marigolds are not only beautiful, but they will also help keep pesky insects at bay, as well as attract beneficial insects that will benefit your rose.

Another good companion plant for roses is the bachelor’s button (Calendula officinalis). These self-seeding annuals have blue flowers and require similar growing conditions. While Tagetes plants need moist conditions, bachelor’s buttons can be planted with marigolds in the same location. Both flowers are very pretty together, and you’ll likely find that the marigolds complement each other. If you’re unsure of which plant to plant with roses, try pairing them with a lavender shrub.


Parsley is a true companion plants for rose, parsley is a great plant for other plants. While parsley is not an excellent choice for roses, it is a great plant for a variety of other plants, including lettuce and mint. Parsley is also good for roses, as it attracts beneficial insects to your flower beds, such as hoverflies. Parsley also repels harmful beetles.

Parsley is a true companion plants for rose

While most plants benefit from companion planting, some are not. Parsley is one of the most useful plants for roses because of its ability to attract beneficial insects, which in turn benefit other plants. Parsley is one of the easiest companion plants for roses. Here are five reasons to add parsley to your rose garden:

Pest-control: The pests that attack roses include sawflies and cabbage worms. Parsley attracts hoverflies and tachinid flies which feed on sawflies. It also creates a fragrant area in the garden. It also discourages the growth of rose weeds, which is an ideal situation for saving seeds. For roses, parsley is a great choice, as it attracts a variety of beneficial insects.

Conclusion about Rose Companion Plants

Roses love the sun and thrive best in the same climate. This is one of the reasons companion plants are such good options. Sun-loving annuals like lilies can stand up well to the heavy feeding regimen a rose gets. Besides being companions, these plants also enhance the growth of each other. Some of them even have natural repellents. Other companion plants, such as edible onions, increase the fragrance of the rose.

The effect of companion plants on pest control depends on their size, shape, and chemical profiles. Companion plants that complement each other may reduce pest numbers by attracting the same kinds of insects. However, the precise mechanisms behind pest control are not clear. However, the results point to the fact that companion plants and roses do interact in order to reduce the number of pests. The following list outlines some potential companion plants for roses.


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