Strawberry Shake Philodendron: Caring Tips For The Plant

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When you plan to grow strawberry shake philodendron, be sure to consider the conditions they need to thrive. This type of plant thrives best in a neutral to slightly acidic soil. If your soil is too acidic, add baking soda or wood ash to raise the ph level.

Also, be sure to monitor the humidity and temperature of your soil to keep it at an appropriate level. In addition, strawberry shake philodendrons like relatively dry conditions, so water them sparingly but not too frequently.

What Is A Philodendron Strawberry Shake?

The main selling point of Philodendron ‘Strawberry Shake’ is its beautiful and diverse coloration. The plant is a hybrid of the Red Emerald and Philodendron erubescens, which are closely related.

Although they are very similar in appearance and care, they have different growth habits. The ‘Strawberry Shake’ is usually sold exclusively online.

What Is A Philodendron Strawberry Shake

You can propagate a philodendron strawberry shake by repotting it. Make sure that the soil is not compacted, but rather loose. Gently tap the pot to spread the soil throughout the roots.

Remember that new soil will retain more moisture than older soil, so water your plant a little more than usual for the first week after transplanting. Pests like aphids and mealybugs can damage your plant.

The leaves of Philodendron Strawberry Shake differ from those of the Philodendron Pink Princess. Strawberry Shake has vibrant red leaves, while Pink Princess has green markings.

This plant has more red stems and leaves, which is why it is given the name ‘Strawberry Shake’. You can choose from the two varieties according to their colors.

Origin And Nativity

The origins and nativity of the Philodendron strawberry shake are unknown. This plant has large leaves that resemble a strawberry, with variegated stripes and patches. Generally, the plant prefers moist soil and some humidity. It is best staking for stability. Its roots form aerial roots in high humidity environments. It is an expensive plant.

origins and nativity of the Philodendron strawberry shake

The plant does not prefer cold temperatures, but it does grow well in warmer areas. It grows best in indirect light and increased humidity. However, if you are planting the plant in a pot, be sure not to overwater it.

This could cause root rot and fungal infections. Also, water it only moderately. Don’t water it too often as it is susceptible to drought and can be damaged by excessive water.

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Why Is Philodendron Strawberry Shake So Expensive?

If you’ve ever bought an Aroid plant and were disappointed to find that it’s terribly expensive, you might be wondering why Philodendron Strawberry Shake is so expensive.

This variegated form of Philodendron Red Emerald is so rare, that it can cost $500 to $1000. The leaves can be a wide range of colors, and some have white or cream variegations, but that’s about all.

Why Is Philodendron Strawberry Shake So Expensive

While Philodendron Strawberry Shake is a beautiful plant, it rarely flowers indoors. In tropical climates, it can produce spathe flowers, which are tiny stems covered in curled leaves.

This plant is toxic to humans and animals because of the calcium oxalate crystals it contains. Although it may be tempting to eat it, you should avoid this. This plant is not difficult to propagate in water, and many enthusiasts recommend it as an easy and enjoyable project.

The plant is susceptible to most common household pests. It is susceptible to scales, which are very similar to the most common mealybugs, and can quickly affect a plant’s health.

Scales appear as hard brown spots on leaves or stems and usually indicate a deteriorating state of health. To identify if your plant has scales, inspect it regularly. If it has any, they can quickly cause a plant to drop its leaves.

Is Philodendron Strawberry Shake Rare?

The Philodendron Strawberry Shake is an extremely rare plant, but if you’ve ever seen one, you’ll know that it is beautiful. It has large, elegant leaves that can be used in interior decorating.

They are also resistant to a wide variety of pests and diseases. Moreover, they have a range of color variations, so you can add a splash of red to your interior design.

Is Philodendron Strawberry Shake Rare

This plant is not a common type of philodendron. However, it is a striking variety with large leaves covered in variegated green and red colors. It is best grown in a well-drained potting mix that contains some humidity.

It is quite tender, so it will need support, such as stakes. It also requires regular fertilization. The plant grows best in medium indirect light with a high humidity.

This plant is rarely found indoors, so its blooming period will likely be short. Its flowers will be spathe flowers, which are the tiny, green flower clusters found in tropical areas.

The spathe flowers have a curled leaf that surrounds the flower head. However, it is fun and easy to propagate with water.

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How Do You Grow Strawberry Shake Philodendron?

This Philodendron grows well indoors and matures to about 3 feet in height. This plant prefers moist soil with high organic matter, and it grows best in a pot with a moss pole for support.

In addition, it prefers relatively low light conditions and will grow large without much care. If you have a sunny window in your house, you can grow the Strawberry Shake indoors on a potted stand.

Grow Strawberry Shake Philodendron

To repot this plant, take the plant out of its current pot and plant it in a larger pot. Use good drainage soil and make sure the soil is not compacted. Gently tap the pot on the floor or a surface to loosen the soil around the roots.

The new soil is likely to retain moisture better than its previous surroundings, so water the plant well during the first week after transplanting.

If you want to grow Strawberry Shake, make sure you find a reputable seller. It’s important to choose a reputable seller, as a poorly-grown plant can die from root rot. If you’re unsure of where to purchase this plant, make sure you read customer reviews before you buy. It is also important to keep watering the plant regularly, otherwise it may get infected.

Philodendron Strawberry Shake Plant Size

If you’re thinking of growing a Philodendron ‘Strawberry Shake’ in your home, you’re probably wondering how big a container this plant needs. This unusual plant grows to a relatively large size when properly cared for, but the best way to determine its container size is to check the label.

Philodendron Strawberry Shake Plant Size

When repotting Philodendron ‘Strawberry Shake,’ be sure to take cuttings with multiple roots and place them in a pot with good drainage. Plant the cutting in a pot or container with medium-to-medium indirect light and water once a week or two to allow the roots to spread out. If the cutting is large, consider repotting it every year. A good time to repot a Philodendron is just before it starts to grow roots.

One of the biggest pests that can infect your Philodendron ‘Strawberry Shake’ are mealybugs. These insects feed on sap and leave a honeydew on your Philodendron. To kill mealybugs, you can rub a cotton swab with rubbing alcohol or mix neem oil with water.

Another common issue with this philodendron plant is root rot. The lower leaves can become yellow and eventually drop off, and the base of the stem can start to turn brown and mushy. The roots can also become black and discolored.

Philodendron Strawberry Shake Propagation

You can propagate Philodendron ‘Strawberry Shake’ from a cutting by planting it in soil. It’s best to remove any nodes from the end of the cutting, so that the roots can grow properly.

Place the cutting in moist soil, and cover with a plastic bag. Let the plant stand for a week or so to set down roots. Repeat the process a few times within a year. When repotting the plant, you can also divide it into smaller plants, as the plant will continue to grow.

Philodendron Strawberry Shake Propagation

Before transplanting your plant into a new pot, it’s important to remove any pests from it. Most household pests will destroy this plant, so keep your eyes open for signs of problems. One common pest is scales, which look like disgusting mealybugs. You can tell if you see them by observing their feeding habits.

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Care Difficulty Of The Philodendron Strawberry Shake

The most difficult aspect of caring for a Philodendron ‘Strawberry Shake’ is keeping the plant free from pests. Almost all common household pests are likely to attack the plant, but this one is especially susceptible to a common bug called a scale.

Care Difficulty Of The Philodendron Strawberry Shake

Scales are similar to the dreaded mealybug, but they do not move around plants instead, they live in one place and feed. This insect causes hard brown spots on the leaves and stems of the plant. If the plant’s scales begin to appear, it’s probably time to take care of it.

Care Guide For The Philodendron Strawberry Shake

For a great houseplant, use a commercial mix. This plant needs moderate watering. However, over-watering can lead to root rot or fungal infections. While not drought-tolerant, Strawberry Shake is a softer plant than most, and it can survive even with low light but is not advisable. Here’s how to care for this unique plant. To get the most out of it, give it medium indirect light.

Growth Rate

The growth rate of the Philodendron ‘Strawberry Shake’ depends on a few factors. The temperature of the philodendron should remain between 55 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. The humidity level should be around 60 to seventy percent. If you’re growing the Philodendron at home, it will grow well as long as the humidity stays around 60-70%.

Care Guide For The Philodendron Strawberry Shake

This fast-growing variety has variegated leaves. The base color is green, and new leaves emerge lighter than the rest of the plant. As the plant grows older, the leaves change color. The plant can have white, yellow, orange, or red foliage. Depending on the soil you use, the growth rate of the Strawberry Shake philodendron plant can range from slow to fast.

If you’re growing the Philodendron Strawberry Shake indoors, be sure to use a well-draining pot. The Strawberry Shake Philodendron can grow up to three feet tall. The plant is best grown in a pot with a moss pole for stability. This moss pole also helps retain moisture. The moss also provides enough texture for the aerial roots to grab onto.

Light And Temperature

The optimal light and temperature conditions for the Philodendron ‘Strawberry Shake’ are between 55 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. It will survive in most home humidities, but it prefers warmer, more humid conditions.

Light And Temperature

The best time to repot your Strawberry Shake is in late spring or early summer. Aphids, mealybugs, and spider mites are common pests that affects this plant. When pests invade, treat the plant with neem oil.

Providing proper lighting is very important for the growth and health of your Strawberry Shake. If the leaves become yellow due to insufficient light or from too much water, the plant will not thrive.

This is especially important for variegated varieties. If you don’t give your plant adequate light, you risk losing its beauty. In severe cases, cutting off the plant’s root system is recommended.

Soil And PH

The Strawberry Shake’s soil should be moist, but not wet. Checking the soil with your fingers before watering can be helpful to avoid over-watering. Make sure that water runs out through the bottom of the pot instead of dripping onto the foliage.

Make sure the pot is not in direct sunlight as this can lead to plant damage. Soaking and draining are the best methods of watering the Philodendron Strawberry Shake.

best methods of watering the Philodendron Strawberry Shake

The Strawberry Shake prefers neutral to slightly acidic soil. Use a PH meter to check the PH level of the soil. If necessary, add sulfur or baking soda to the soil to reduce acidity.

Temperature and humidity play an important role in the frequency of watering, and a relatively dry soil is best. Watering once or twice a week is recommended to attain the best result. If the soil is wet, it will become soggy and the plant may not grow properly.


When watering your Strawberry Shake Philodendron, try flushing the soil to remove excess salts, minerals, and fertilizers. You also want to avoid drowning the roots.

Watering your plant well is crucial to keep it healthy and free of pests. For best results, choose pots and substrates that drain well. Also, avoid ripping off the leaves. This can encourage pests to grow in numbers.


Using commercial indoor plant fertilizer is a good choice for this plant. Fertilizers may also contain too many salts, which are harmful to plants. Rinsing your plant in the sink and letting it drain completely after fertilizing will prevent any toxicity.

indoor plant fertilizer

The plant will need a fertilizer containing a high level of potassium. And Lastly, the plant has no pruning requirements.


As a general rule, philodendrons prefer temperatures between fifty and eighty degrees Fahrenheit. Humidity should be about sixty to seventy percent. However, they can survive in a humidity range as high as 70 percent.

You can use a humidifier or a pebble tray to increase the humidity if needed. If you’re growing philodendrons in your house, you can fertilize them once a month.


As a houseplant, the philodendron strawberry shake is toxic to cats and dogs. Insoluble calcium oxalates are toxic compounds that are found in the plant’s leaves. When in contact with the skin, these chemicals cause swelling, irritation, and pain.

The plant is also susceptible to pests and diseases, including mealybugs, scales, and spider mites. However, these pests can be avoided by spraying the plant with neem oil.

Potting And Repotting

There are many steps to potting and repotting the Philodendron Strawberry-Shake. The first step is to find all the necessary materials together. You will need a pot, fresh potting soil, and water.

potting and repotting the Philodendron Strawberry-Shake

Choose a pot that will accommodate the plant’s size. You should also use a container with plenty of space to allow the roots to spread. Ideally, the soil will be slightly acidic.

If the soil is too dry, you can try a more pot with drainage holes. Then, plant the Philodendron. The soil needs to be soaked, but not too wet. The soil should have holes for drainage so that the roots do not get soggy. Gently plant the Philodendron in the new pot. Make sure that the new soil is moist to ensure the plant’s healthiness.

Pests Diseases And Other Problems Of The Philodendron Strawberry Shake

One of the most common problems with philodendrons is root rot. If you see these problems early, you have a better chance of saving the plant. Remove the affected parts of the root system and replant them in fresh soil.

Keep in mind that the strawberry shake prefers a temperature of 55 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. You should also prune affected leaves to prevent the spread of infection.

philodendrons is root rot

Aphids are a common problem with this plant. They feed on the plant’s sap. These bugs can be identified by the presence of brown or black spots on the leaves and stems.

A strong water spray or insecticidal soap can be used to kill the adult scales. If you are unable to kill the pests, you can use a natural insecticide, such as neem oil mixed with water.


Although it doesn’t require special pruning, the Strawberry Shake philodendron does not thrive in poor soil. This philodendron plant requires neutral to slightly acidic soil. Use a PH meter to determine the PH levels of the soil in your growing area.

Add sulfur or wood ash to raise or lower the PH levels respectively, if necessary. The amount of water to give your plant also depends on temperature and humidity levels. It thrives in relatively dry, warm conditions, so it’s best to water it less frequently in winter.

If you notice the appearance of spider mites on your plant, it’s best to spray the affected areas with a strong water spray. You can also apply neem oil or horticultural oil to kill the pests.

Inspect the affected areas with a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol. If you spot any brown spots on your plant, use a combination of neem oil and water. Also, check for brown leaf tips, which can be caused by low humidity, root damage, and compact soil.

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