Variegated Philodendron: 29+ Expensive And Rare Varieties

Must Try

The Variegated Philodendron is a coveted houseplant for many reasons. It is low maintenance and extremely hardy, making it an excellent choice for people with limited space. You can even grow this plant in a small pot, as it doesn’t need much space to thrive. It is best to place it less than 6 feet away from a south-facing window, but it will tolerate a slightly less sunny location.

Table of Contents

What Is A Philodendron?

What is a Variegated philodendron? These are some of over 450 species of popular house plants. These plants are native to the tropics of America. They start out as a vine and grow to be hardy plants. Their leaves are variegated in color, and they can tolerate being a little further from a south-facing window.

What is a Variegated philodendron

What is Variegated Philodendrum? These are ornamental plants native to tropical rainforests. These plants form aerial roots near leaf nodes to anchor themselves, absorb moisture, and take in nutrients. In your home, Philodendrons do well in a sunny location with indirect light. Make sure to keep them out of drafty areas. Variegated Philodendron Types can be propagated by stem cuttings and air layering.

Can Philodendron Be Variegated?

Can Philodendron Be Variegates? is an excellent question to ask before purchasing this plant. Variegated Philodendron varieties can be grouped together according to their leaf color. Random variegation in foliage is a great feature of philodendrons. Philodendrons can be difficult to maintain and have poisonous sap. This sap can be harmful if consumed by pets.

Can Philodendron Be Variegated

A good variety for indoors is Philodendron brandtianum. Its fast-growing roots make it an excellent choice for tabletop centerpieces and hanging baskets. However, they may not tolerate intense sunlight. In such conditions, they will turn yellow or brown and fall off. In addition, a philodendron with low-light conditions may become prone to root rot and overwatering.

What Is The Rarest Philodendron?

If you’re looking for an indoor plant, you might want to consider a variety of the most colorful Philodendrons. Some of the most striking varieties include the Painted Lady, Atabapoense, and Philodendron xanthopaeum. Painted Lady is native to South America, and is quite hardy, although it does require some vertical support during its active growing season. Some varieties may not bloom indoors, but many will. This variety features green exteriors with purplish-brown spathes. A tabapoense prefers moist soil and is tolerant of partial sunlight, but direct sunlight can burn the leaves.

What Is The Rarest Philodendron

Melanochrysum, also known as the Black Gold Philodendron, is a very striking variety. Its heart-shaped foliage is covered in gold flecks and rests on long stems. This variety grows to about 2 feet tall, but it can get as high as 4 feet. The foliage can be quite glossy and leathery, making it look like an artificial houseplant. However, you do have to be careful when handling this plant.

What Is The Longest Philodendron Vine In The World?

There are several types of philodendron plants that are capable of growing to incredible lengths. One type is called Philodendron plowmanii. This plant can reach a length of 2.4 meters, or around 8 feet. It is an outdoor plant that can grow in USDA zones 9b to 11. Its leaves are glossy and have clear veins. They have an upright habit and are emerald green with purple or orange undersides.

Longest Philodendron Vine In The World

If you’re interested in knowing the longest Philodendron vine in the entire world, consider the Elephant Creeper. It belongs to the Mimosaceae family and is a native of Central and South America. The longest specimen weighs 250 pounds! You can find it growing in the Buitenzorg Botanic Gardens in South Africa, and in Java, Indonesia.

How Do You Grow A Philodendron Alatisulcatum Variegated?

To make sure that your plant grows properly, you’ll want to give it plenty of sunlight. This plant likes well-drained soil that contains organic matter, perlite, and vermiculite. You can also use fresh potting soil, which contains everything your plant needs to thrive. A philodendron’s roots are supplied with energy from sunlight. However, you may want to consider a south-facing window as its optimal location.

Grow A Variegated Philodendron

A basic rule of thumb when caring for philodendrons is to only water them when the soil is dry, but leave a bit of water in the pot saucer. This will help prevent rot. Make sure you water the plant only when the top inch of soil is dry. It also helps to remove water when it’s no longer needed. If you notice yellowing or browning leaves, the soil is too wet or the plant is under watered.

What Is The Most Beautiful Philodendron?

The most beautiful philodendron species depends on your climate and location. The tropical Philodendron, known as the Thai Sunrise philodendron care, produces vibrant lime-green leaves with a variegated pattern. Its leaves are elongated and seven to ten inches long. Indoors, this plant grows compactly, reaching only three feet high and one foot wide. This makes it ideal for container gardening.

Thai Sunrise The Most Beautiful Philodendron

The most impressive types of philodendrons are the ones that are native to warmer climates. Climbing varieties, such as the Spiritus Sancti, are beautiful because of their lush, red foliage. Climbing varieties tend to be difficult to find, but if you find one, you’ll be pleased with its low maintenance and ability to adapt to different environments. Here are some of the most beautiful varieties of philodendron.

The Burle Marx Philodendron, which originated in Brazil, is a stunning upright variety with paddle-shaped leaves in green, yellow, and red. Its foliage has a delicate silver or gold veining and is ideal for foilage creations and wreaths. This plant doesn’t produce pollen, making it a good choice for those with allergies. It can tolerate moderate to full sunlight, but can grow in low-light environments as well.

What Makes A Philodendron Rare?

When you think about philodendrons, you might think of a tropical forest. However, many varieties are native to only certain states and countries. In fact, some of them are so rare that they cost thousands of dollars. The best way to determine whether a philodendron is rare is to look at its growing conditions. Its genetic composition is limited, which limits its availability and therefore its price.

The foliage of a Variegated Philodendron is usually green with yellow or light yellow patches. Its leaves are staggered, and its foliage appears as either mosaic-like or finely mottled. The color is affected by light conditions, but the plant is relatively easy to variegated philodendron care. If you are looking for a rare Philodendron, here are some tips to help you find the right one for your garden:

Makes A Philodendron Rare

The most important thing to know about this plant’s characteristics is that it has a very specific light and moisture requirement. In their native habitats, they grow near the banks of rivers, which makes them highly prized.

In addition to variegated Philodendrons, they can also be found growing near Variegated Philodendron Minima, which are closely related to Monstera plants. If the lighting requirements of a Philodendron are not ideal, they may lose their variegation and become less desirable.

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Top Most Expensive Rare Philodendron Species

A rare variety of philodendrons is called a Gabby. This cultivar is both rare and expensive philodendron. Its slow growth and need for tissue culture make it impossible to produce large quantities of these plants. Only 300-400 Gabby plants can be produced each year, which means that a single plant can sell for over $500. Here are the Top Most Expensive Rare Variegated Philodendrons

1. Philodendron Hastatum ‘Silver Sword’

A plant with a flickering effect is a good choice if you’re interested in adding some variety to your garden. This variety features philodendron narrow variegated heart-shaped leaves with serrated edges, a central trunk, and graceful stems. It’s rare and expensive, but it is also slow-growing and doesn’t require much maintenance.

Philodendron Hastatum -Silver Sword

This plant is endemic to Central and South America. Its trailing vines are a great addition to any garden or home. The plant has beautiful foliage that is covered in tiny hairs and has a tropical iridescent hue. It’s a great floor plant, and has fragrant flowers in green and red. The Variegated Silver Sword Philodendron is named after the sword-like foliage, which becomes triangular and pointed as it grows.

2. Philodendron Joepii

The name is a bit hard to say. But the plant is named for the Dutch naturalist who first discovered it in French Guiana in 1991. Apparently, he fell into the ant nest and was attacked by thousands of ants. The plant has an interesting green color and is known for having leaves that resemble rabbit ears. Prices for Philodendron Joepii have increased significantly in recent years, but their high-end beauty makes them an extremely rare plant to own.

Philodendron Joepii

The foliage of this plant is unique, with a ring of yellow-green and dark green. The leaves are covered in tiny hairs and change color depending on the amount of light they receive. The foliage is velvety when young and turns smooth as it matures. A large plant, it can grow up to six feet in length.

3. Philodendron 69686 Variegated

A rare, variegated philodendron has bold green stripes on glossy leaves. This plant has been grown for centuries and is a sought-after houseplant. The name translates to “striped,” which explains the striking foliage. It can grow from a seed and is quite easy to care for.

Philodendron 69686

The unusually shaped leaves of the Most Expensive Rare Variegated philodendron 69686 are unique. They resemble bunny ears and grow to two feet tall. This plant requires humid conditions and occasionally watering. Once established, it will thrive in any home. Unlike most philodendrons, it will require a moist environment and indirect sunlight.

4. Variegated Moonlight Philodendron

The name of this rare variety comes from its unusual leaves, which are actually heart-shaped. The leaves start as green and gradually expand into lobes, with deep vein indentations on the underside. When mature, the leaves measure up to nine inches in length. These beautiful plants are especially suitable for smaller indoor spaces. As they grow, they can tolerate bright light, as long as the light is filtered.

Philodendron Moonlight

The leaves of this philodendron are a striking lime green with red and white spots. The foliage matures to a pale green or yellow-green color, although it prefers partial or full sun. The flowers are white or pink. This plant thrives in partial sunlight and thrives in moist, well-drained soil. If you have a sunny location and need a low-maintenance houseplant, this plant is for you.

5. Philodendron Billietiae Variegated

The Philodendron Billietie is a stunningly beautiful plant that is known as the rainbow plant. This rare variety of philodendron can cost between $50 and $100 per specimen. It is very difficult to grow and requires a lot of care, so it may not be suitable for all gardeners.

The variegated variety of philodendron billietiae has unique genetic configuration. The plant’s leaves are speckled with yellow or orange. It requires months of care and can grow to mind-blowing proportions. Although it is expensive, it’s worth every penny – philodendrons are some of the most unique plants around.

Philodendron Billietiae Variegated

This houseplant is a prized possession – it costs anywhere from $6,000 to $10,000 for a single plant. The variegated Philodendron billietiae is the most expensive of all philodendron varieties, but it’s definitely worth the price tag. Buying a single cutting of this plant is the most expensive way to get it, and some even try to recreate it in paper. Some philodendron enthusiasts even have a t-shirt with the plant’s image on it.

6. Philodendron Mamei

The rare variegated Philodendron Mamea is a striking member of the Araceae family. Its heart-shaped leaves are covered in silver variegation that looks like it was hand-painted. This plant does best in indirect light and grows well in a plastic nursery pot. Its leaves are a striking addition to any room and grow best near a west or east-facing window.

Philodendron Mamei

Proper potting mix is essential for this plant. It must have good drainage. A moist environment is beneficial to this plant. Over-watering can cause root rot and yellow leaves. Ensure the soil drains well to avoid these problems. A poorly-draining potting mix can also lead to a nutrient deficiency and root rot. While over-watering is the most likely culprit, other causes can include cold drafts or low humidity.

This plant is susceptible to spider mites. The insects feed on the foliage, and can be a pest if they infest it. A few neem oil sprayed on the leaves of a mature plant will kill most of the pests. Silver Cloud insecticides are safe for this plant. You can also try Ladybugs to control spider mites. This insect can help keep the scale insect population in check.

7. Philodendron Spiritus Sancti

Why is philodendron spiritus sancti so expensive? The Most Expensive Rare Variegated philodendron Spiritus santi has bunny-ear-shaped leaves, and is the only variety of the species that grow in the wild.

The plant is native to the state of Espirito Santo Brazil and is so rare, there are only six plants in the wild. It’s considered a “houseplant unicorn” because of its rarity and easy-care characteristics.

Philodendron Spiritus Sancti

This houseplant is so rare and difficult to find that it’s often stolen from the San Diego Botanic Garden. It can easily cost over $1,000 for a small plant, and can easily reach $10,000 if grown large. Philodendron spiritus sancti juvenile is hard to find in the wild, but it can be easily grown in the home if proper care is taken.

This plant is considered a treasure by plant collectors. Its heart-shaped leaves and endangered status make it an ideal plant for collectors. A single specimen from the same species has sold for more than $9,600 on eBay, and devotees are willing to pay nearly anything to own one. In fact, some people have even gotten so obsessed with the plant that they’ve tried to recreate it in paper. Many people buy replicas and wear T-shirts featuring its picture.

8. Philodendron Erubescens ‘Pink Princess’

The Pink Princess is a trailing plant from the Araceae family that can cost thousands of dollars. This plant was developed in Florida by Maloy’s household. The pink flower is quite unusual in that it is not usually found in the wild, making it particularly valuable. The plant is also very rare, and the species is endangered.

Philodendron Erubescens ‘Pink Princess’

The name ‘Pink Princess’ comes from the Latin word for ‘blushing’, which makes it a popular plant for gardens and other indoor spaces. It grows to be about five feet tall and has foliage that is up to nine inches long. This plant grows on poles or trellises and can be cultivated for their ‘princess’ -like appearance.

Other of Philodendron Variegated Varieties

There are many types of variegated philodendron, but this article will focus on a few of the most popular types. This plant has heart-shaped foliage with conspicuous undulations and deep vein indentations. These are the best types of Philodendron for tropical gardens. But which one is the most popular? Let’s find out! Read on to learn more about the differences between these four varieties.

1. Variegated Philodendron Majesty

A Variegated Philo Majesty is a great choice for indoor or outdoor planting. It grows best in a climate of 55 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. During the winter, you can keep it in a cool, draft-free place. During the spring and summer, it will need weekly watering. It prefers a moisture content of 60 to 80 percent but will tolerate low humidity. During these times, you can use a humidifier to increase the humidity.

Variegated Philodendron Majesty

When planting this plant, make sure to choose a container that has good drainage. It will need watering only when the top 50 percent of soil is dry. You should also fertilize it every two weeks. This plant doesn’t need nearly as much water as many houseplants. However, it can become overwatered in high light and warmer temperatures. In that case, it’s best to move it indoors.

This plant is a beautiful variegated form of the Philodendron ‘Black Majesty’. This plant is a climber and its leaves are a dark green, almost purple, color. The Philodendron ‘Black Majesty’is also a great choice for beginning plant parents. This plant is a hybrid of Philodendron Sodiroi and Philodendron Verrucosum, and is not found naturally anywhere else.

2. Variegated Philodendron Tripartitum

The most popular Philodendron is the Variegated variety, which has a distinctive variegated leaf pattern. This plant was originally native to Brazilian and French Guiana. It is widely grown for its stunning foliage and easy care. It can be bought in many different sizes and colors, making it a great choice for a houseplant. There are also many cultivars of Philodendron, and they are part of the “Aroid Fever” craze.

Variegated Philodendron Tripartitum

This Philodendron has attractive, paddle-shaped leaves that undulate gently down its length and have a delicate, pale veining. It forms festive clumps of two feet or more and thrives in a typical Philodendron treatment indoors. It is a genus of its own and was previously placed under the genus Thaumatophyllum, but retains the name of Philodendron as a synonym.

As a hemiepiphyte, the Variegated Philodendron Triparitum can grow on a tree branch or other plant. It thrives in warm, indirect light. If the light level is too high, you should move the plant to a sunny location. The plant can tolerate bright sunlight but too much can cause yellow leaves. If the stems start to become leggy, move them to a brighter spot.

3. Variegated Philodendron Esmeraldense

The plant is a large epiphyte that grows on steep banks. The leaves are green with finely striate petioles and are narrowly acuminate at the apex. The plant is tolerant of low light levels, but it does not do well in full sun. Care should be taken to maintain the correct moisture level and watering schedule. It grows best in a well-draining soil with an airy texture. Using Lomi by Pela will allow you to reduce water usage and ensure proper moisture balance.

Variegated Philodendron Esmeraldense

For optimal growth, Philodendron esmeraldense needs a medium amount of water. During summer, it should be watered at least three times a week, while winters should only receive a moderate amount of water. When watering, make sure to direct excess water away from the roots. Also, use distilled or filtered water. You should avoid common tap water as it contains many minerals and toxins that can damage your plant.

4. Variegated Philodendron Crassinervium

Growing a Variegated Philodendron Cranninervium is easy, but it is best to follow some guidelines. First of all, this species needs a medium that is loose and sandy, with a pH of 5.5 to 5.6. If you cannot find such a medium, you can buy a special culture soil for Philodendron spp. Lastly, the soil should be at least 60 percent humidity and not too dry.

Variegated Philodendron Crassinervium

The variegated variety of Philodendrons crassinervium has four distinct types of leaves: green and bronze, and black. This variety is a favorite of many gardeners because of its gorgeous foliage. It grows up to 10 feet tall and three meters wide. It is suitable for large rooms and requires support to support the weight of its leaves. This species does not grow naturally in any habitat.

To care for your Variegated Philodendron Cranninervium, make sure it receives regular watering. It does not require much fertilization, but it should receive a thorough watering every few weeks. It is not winter hardy, but it will tolerate temperatures around 60°F. You should also keep it in a shaded area when possible so that the leaves do not become brown or yellow.

5. Philodendron Hederaceum Varieties

The native of Central and South America, the flowering plant Philodendron hederaceum is widely used for landscaping. Its foliage is a bright red color and attracts butterflies. Heartleaf varieties are excellent for containers. Philodendron hederaceum is a fast-growing, hardy perennial native to the Caribbean and Central America. This beautiful plant can reach heights of 20 feet.

Heartleaf Philodendron Philodendron Hederaceum

The potential size of a heartleaf philodendron depends on the type of container it’s in. Ideally, it should be kept in a pot that’s porous, like terracotta. Never allow the pot to sit in water for long periods of time, as this can cause root rot, fungus, and pest infestation. Heartleaf philodendrons tolerate a wide range of soil pH levels. Choose a potting medium that is loose and non-abrasive. You can also choose a pH-neutral potting medium that contains a mix of calcium and magnesium, which is a perfect match for this plant.

6. Philodendron ‘Lemon Lime’

Other Variegated Philodendron ‘Lemon Lime’ is an eye-catching variety of philodendron that features trailing heart-shaped leaves and full-lemon lime color. A member of the heart-leaf philodendron family, it is relatively common but less well known than its cousin. Its popularity is due in part to its easy-care habit and wide distribution.

Philodendron ‘Lemon Lime’

For best results, choose a well-draining, moist potting mix for Other Variegated Philodendron ‘Lemon Lime’. You can use either a peat-based or traditional potting mix. The soil should be loose enough for the roots to grow but not so loose that the rooted plants will struggle to grow. Sandy soils are too fine for Philodendron ‘Lemon Lime’.

To protect your plant, check for any signs of pests and disease. Common pests are spider mites and gnats. If you find any signs of mealybugs, clean the plant thoroughly with rubbing alcohol. You can also use hydrogen peroxide to kill spider mites. A spraying of these solutions on your plant’s leaves can kill off the bugs.

7. Philodendron ‘Imperial Green’

Despite its attractive appearance, Other Variegated Philodendron ‘Imperial Green’ is not hardy. Generally, it likes a humid and warm growing environment. This plant needs a lot of water and requires indirect sunlight throughout the day. A bare stem will not root. If you’re unable to root the plant properly, you can use cottage or ramets. In either case, be sure to keep the plant in a spot that receives indirect light throughout the day.

Philodendron ‘Imperial Green’

This upright variety is prized for its glossy, smooth leaves. Its young foliage is bright red and matures to dark burgundy-purple. This attractive foliage plant will add a splash of color to any room. While it needs indirect light, it will tolerate shadier surroundings if given adequate moisture. It will not flower if placed in full sun, but will grow happily in part shaded areas.

If you’re looking for a plant that has the look and feel of a tropical forest, this is the plant for you. Imperial Green Philodendron produces large, waxy leaves that are close together. It also has a bushier appearance. It is a great plant for beginners, as it tolerates missed waterings and doesn’t require a lot of attention.

8. Philodendron ‘Variegated Prince of Orange

The foliage of Philodendron ‘Prince Of Orange’ is a stunning shade of orange. The plant doesn’t require regular pruning, but you may wish to remove any old leaves or stems that don’t have leaves anymore. Remove any dried aerial roots, too. After removing old leaves and stems, deadhead your plant to encourage new growth. You can propagate Philodendron ‘Prince Of Orange’ by cuttings or air layering. To propagate the plant, make sure you use gloves and wear protective clothing.

Philodendron ‘Prince Of Orange’

In spring and summer, the foliage of Philodendron ‘Prince Of Orange’ grows beautifully and is a prized houseplant. Young plants have bright neon yellow leaves that fade to copper as they mature. Once the plant is mature, the leaves change to a lush green. The plant doesn’t grow tall or sprawl, and it can be grown in a well-draining potting mix or soilless medium. The name Philodendron is derived from the Greek word “philo” and the Latin “dendron,” which means “tree hugger.” That’s a fitting description for this plant’s natural tendency to climb trees.

9. Philodendron ‘Brasil’

This philodendron has a distinctive leaf design and is a beautiful addition to any landscape. The large, heart-shaped leaves are glossy green and are accented by a reddish-purple stripe on the underside. The leaves are rounded and easy to care for. These trees are a wonderful choice for beginners and more experienced gardeners alike. They are suitable for both container and hanging basket planting.

Philodendron ‘Brasil’

This philodendron has large, dark green leaves that have frilly edges. The plant’s trunk is relatively short and slow-growing. It can be placed anywhere, but a large pot is preferred. This philodendron is a great choice if you have a small yard. The plant can grow to four to five feet in height. It doesn’t require a lot of space and looks great anywhere.

Repot your Philodendron ‘Brasil’ once every two or three years. This will refresh the potting mix and provide more root room. Ensure that the pot you select is at least two inches (5 cm) larger than the current one. Rootbound plants grow slowly and have poor drainage. Repotting them is essential to preserving their variegated leaves and preventing them from turning solid green.

10. Variegated Philodendron ‘Burle Marx’

This plant is best grown in bright indirect light. Direct sunlight can cause the leaves to burn and develop black scorch marks. It can also cause the foliage to yellow. To keep your Variegated Philodendron ‘Burle Marx’ healthy, water it occasionally, but not too much. It will respond to low light levels by producing chlorophyll from the darkest part of the leaf.

Variegated Philodendron ‘Burle Marx’

This plant is named after Roberto Burle Marx, a Brazilian landscape architect. Its glossy, heart-shaped leaves have striking variegation. The foliage is dark green with creamy tomes. In the wild, Philodendron burle Marx can reach the height of a large shrub. It grows well in medium light and enjoys humidity and warmth. It is not a good choice for dry climates.

To grow Variegated Philodendron ‘Burle Marx’ in a garden, use a potting mix that contains a good amount of sphagnum peat-moss. The moss contains a high concentration of nitrogen, which is great for this plant. Ensure the soil is aerated well to avoid the roots drying out. A pH of 5.5 is perfect for this plant.

11. Variegated Philodendron Patriciae

If you’re looking for an elegant houseplant that will make a dramatic impact, consider the Variegated Philodendron Patricia. This beautiful plant is very hardy and thrives in moderate light conditions. Although it needs some sun, it will be happy in shady conditions if given enough room to breathe. It prefers a pH range of 5-6 and needs well-drained soil. Organic materials are helpful for improving soil pH levels.

Variegated Philodendron Patriciae

The leaves of Philodendron patriciae are over one meter long. During the winter months, they turn a vibrant blue. The flowers open and close in paired clusters, with the inflorescence extending out to the sides. The flowers are surrounded by dark, glossy leaves. In addition, the flowers are surrounded by a sterile zone, which is the sterile zone.

12. Philodendron Xanadu Thaumatophyllum Xanadu

Thaumatophyllum Xanadu is a perennial plant in the arum family (Araceae). Formerly classified in the subgenus Meconostigma of Philodendron, this plant is widely cultivated in subtropical and tropical climates. It is native to Brazil but is widely cultivated throughout tropical and subtropical climates.

Philodendron Xanadu Thaumatophyllum Xanadu

This plant can grow from two to four feet tall and 4-6 feet wide and requires a relatively easy-care environment. It thrives in a sunny location near the west or east-facing window and likes temperatures between 65 degrees and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Thaumatophyllum Xanadu is an excellent addition to any interior design scheme as it can create a lush, tropical atmosphere.

When growing Philodendron Xanadu, keep in mind that cuttings have little resistance to moisture-related pathogens. Always cut a new stem just above a leaf and water the plant thoroughly. Water regularly, so that the soil will settle within the root system. In addition, be sure to sterilize pruning tools with isopropyl before cutting the stem.

13. Philodendron Brandtianum

Other Variegated Philodendron brandtianum is mostly grown as an indoor plant, but is hardy species that can be grown outdoors in USDA zones 9b-11. It requires a medium to moist soil, rich in organic matter (peat moss or peat-vermiculite is best) and moderate watering. It can tolerate a light frost but needs to be watered regularly, and will do well if it is kept in a cool location.

Philodendron Brandtianum

14. Philodendron Pedatum Variegated

The slender leaves of Variegated Pedatum have beautiful lobes and range in color from medium to dark green to maroon or brown. Usually, it needs a moist but not wet soil to grow. When in doubt, water it by pouring it over the soil until the drainage holes begin to drip. Then, let it dry naturally.

Both varieties are remarkably similar in appearance, but they are distinguished by small details. Philodendron Florida Varieties and Pedatum Florida are both essentially the same plant except for color and leaf shape. Philodendron pedatum produces larger leaves than P. Florida, and it grows as high as a moss pole. However, they look different, and you should keep in mind that the former is not a squamiferum.

Philodendron Pedatum

The stems of Philodendron pedatum are smooth, whereas the leaves of the other species are bumpy. This species also contain calcium oxalate crystals, which can irritate the mouth and may cause swelling and burning of the tongue. If ingested, this can result in nausea, vomiting, or edema. Therefore, if you wish to grow this plant, ensure that you store it in a secure location and not in a damp environment.

15. Philodendron Micans

One of the fastest growing varieties of Philodendron is the Philodendron Micans. This plant’s fast growth requires regular fertilizing to keep it healthy. You should feed it every two months during the fall and spring. You can propagate this plant by taking stem cuttings from branches that have two or more nodes. Always make sure to use clean shears so that you don’t spread any bacteria to the newly-propagated plant.

Philodendron Micans

While philodendron micans variegated doesn’t look glossy, its leaves are velvety and look very luxurious. You can train it to trail in a hanging basket or wrap it around a moss pole. It has many monikers in gardening circles, including Sweetheart Plant, Philodendron Hederaceum Micans, and Velvet Leaf Philodendron.

One of the most common diseases of Philodendron Micans is root rot, which is often caused by overwatering. If you catch it early enough, you can still save the plant by cutting off the diseased roots. Propagation is easy and you can propagate new plants from stem cuttings. You need potting soil, containers, and a few stems to propagate this plant.

16. Variegated Philodendron Bipennifolium

The Variegated Philodendron Bipensum grows between three and seven feet tall, so it can be placed in a container or in a window sill. Propagate it using air layering or stem cuttings. If cuttings are made of the stem, the cut ends must be near a node, which is the knobby part of the plant where aerial roots are produced. If the cuttings do not have a node, do not use the stem cutting.

Variegated Philodendron Bipennifolium

In indirect light, the Variegated Philodendron Bipensum needs approximately eight to ten hours of indirect light each day. The climbers require a strong pole to climb, but will spread into an enormous plant, which is better suited for an open area. They require large, deeply lobed leaves and need about 70-85 degrees of light in an indirect location. If they are placed in direct sunlight, they will be damaged by the sun’s direct rays, reducing their photosynthesis and hindering their overall physiological activities. This will make the plants appear dull and leggy.

If you are unsure of what care the Variegated Philodendron Bipensifolium needs, don’t fret! It grows best in bright indirect light with moderate humidity and can tolerate a few degrees of cold. The soil should be well-drained and high in organic matter, and the soil should be rich in nutrients and humidity. If you can’t afford a humidifier, you can use a hanging basket.

17. Variegated Philodendron Birkin

If you have a love of variety and want to cultivate Philodendrons in your home, consider purchasing Variegated Philodendron Birkins. These trees are not climbers and are considered self-heading. These trees grow slowly and require no pruning. To cultivate this plant, you will need a well-drained soil and indirect light. If you do not like to repot your plants, you can buy stem cuttings for your garden.

Variegated Philodendron Birkin

This species is best grown in filtered light and requires approximately 400-600 FC for good growth. It can tolerate lower levels, but the leaves may be whitened and burnt. Also, keep in mind that this tree does not like full sun, as full sun could lead to scorched pinstriped leaves. You can supplement the sunlight with artificial lighting to keep it green and healthy. When growing in pots, be sure to place them in an area where they will receive at least 12 hours of natural light during the day.

While Philodendron Birkin can lose its stripes, it is a perennial that will eventually go back to a solid green color. Once mature, Philodendron Birkins will develop plush painterly leaves. This species can be used for container plants or as a house plant. Just keep in mind that reverted leaves may need to be pruned to promote regrowth. If you decide to purchase Variegated Philodendron Birkins, be sure to follow these tips to keep your plant healthy.

18. Variegated Philodendron ‘Florida Ghost’

This plant is propagated by stem cuttings or air layering. You will need a potting soil and container, along with a clean, sharp pair of scissors. A few days after cuttings have been made, they should be planted in a plant pot filled with sphagnum peat moss. Care should be taken not to crush the stem cutting. Plant the stem cutting into the soil, then pack it with sphagnum peat moss to protect it from root rot.

Variegated Philodendron ‘Florida Ghost’

A good way to care for the Florida ghost is to give it a weekly watering. This plant can get a little too thirsty if the soil is dry for too long. To prevent this problem, you can sterilize your pruning shears with 70% isopropyl alcohol. Water the plant in stages, and always make sure the soil is completely dry before watering it. To test the soil moisture, stick your finger into the soil, and see whether it is moist or dry.

19. Philodendron ‘Green Congo’

This lush plant is a tropical rainforest regular, native to South America. Its glossy, dark green leaves are closely spaced and spread out as it grows. It needs medium watering and grows best in partial shade, but it can tolerate moderately bright light. You can place it in almost any room in your humble abode. If you’re considering this plant for your home, make sure it gets a balanced fertilizer, which includes equal amounts of NPK and Phosphorus.

Philodendron ‘Green Congo’

The leaves of philodendrons are produced later in their life than other plants. Although the change is gradual, it does occur. As a result, the leaves of a philodendron are not immediately distinguishable from the leaves of other plants. The leaves of a mature philodendron are often larger than their juvenile counterparts, and they can also have different shapes. This has caused taxonomic problems in the past.

20. Philodendron ‘Thai Sunrise’

This low-maintenance variety of Philodendron is an excellent choice for a tropical-looking houseplant. Its unique leaves are a combination of red and green, with speckles of gold. The plant has a distinctive, woody appearance, and the foliage is great for foilage creations and wreaths. Best of all, it doesn’t produce pollen, making it an excellent choice for people with allergies.

Philodendron ‘Thai Sunrise

This cultivar of Philodendron is native to Brazil and does not climb. Its long, thick stem makes it a wonderful floor plant and also comes in red and green. The flowers are fragrant and can be found in red or green.

This multi-stem Philodendron is a beautiful choice if you’re looking for a tropical houseplant that grows to around three to six meters. This easy-to-grow plant requires a perfect climate and can take up to 16 years to mature. Unlike other Philodendron varieties, Thai Sunrise requires the right conditions for full maturity. If you’re growing it indoors, choose the climate-reflective variety.

21. Philodendron Black Cardinal

If you’re looking for a houseplant with a regal look, consider buying the Black Cardinal. This member of the Araceae family has velvet-like leaves that are streaked with a pale pink. They can be planted in pots, or hanged from a macrame plant hanger. Just keep them out of the reach of young children.

Philodendron Black Cardinal

To grow a beautiful black cardinal philodendron, you need to ensure adequate light and a well-draining soil. In a sunny, partially shaded spot, a bright indirect light will bring out the deep burgundy leaves. Direct sunlight should not be applied to the plant during midday hours. If you must place it near a window, be sure to keep it out of the direct sun to avoid root rot.

The leaves of this plant have serrated edges. It is a rare type that comes from tropical and sub-tropical regions of South America. It is believed that the name comes from an individual of the same name, but it is not known who first developed it. Its long, serrated leaves are lined with silver spots and nestled within rippling, green leaves. As with most Philodendrons, it thrives in temperatures up to 25 degrees Fahrenheit.

Care Guidelines For Philodendron Plants

You can easily identify the watering and feeding needs of your philodendron plant by looking at its leaves. They usually droop when there is too much water. Hence, the best thing to do is to check its soil and watering levels and fix it as soon as possible. Once you have resolved the watering issue, your philodendron leaves should return to their normal size.


If you are growing a philodendron plant in a pot, you should water it at least every two days. Its roots are moist. Water your philodendron plant well when the leaves are dry to prevent them from burning. To ensure the best growth, water philodendrons about 3 to 4 inches below the soil’s surface. To avoid spotting, water your philodendron plant every three to four days with filtered or bottled water. You can also use tap water but be sure to wait 24 hours before watering it. This is to prevent the plant from getting any minerals in the tap water.

Care Guidelines For Philodendron Plants

To water your philodendron plant properly, it is best to use lukewarm water. Cold or warm water can shock the plant, and the plant may die. You should use rainwater if possible, but tap water may work as well. The chlorine from tap water can evaporate, so you should use a water filter. If you do not have rainwater, you can use distilled water instead.


A way to increase humidity in your home is to group tropical plants together. You can also place the philodendron in your bathroom, where the humidity level is higher than in other areas of your house. If this method doesn’t work, try a humidifier. Humidifiers are a little expensive, but they add moisture to the air. Once your philodendron has reached maturity, you can transfer the roots from the pot to the soil.

Soil And Ph

One of the most important aspects of plant care is understanding your soil’s pH level. The pH level is a measure of how acidic or basic the soil is. If the pH level is too high or too low, you should adjust the soil pH to meet the specific needs of the plants you’re growing. Luckily, there are many reference books on the subject, and they contain color photographs to help you identify deficiencies and correct them.

To adjust the pH level, you can use elemental sulfur or aluminum sulfate. These solutions should be applied to the soil at a rate of one pound of elemental sulfur per thousand square feet. These solutions should be applied in the root zone and throughout the entire planting bed, as well as in bare soils. For best results, the pH level should be checked after each application. You may need several applications before the pH level is lowered by more than a half-unit.


If you have a philodendron plant at home, you might wonder how to properly feed it. The following are some tips for feeding philodendrons. You can use a plant food for succulents but be sure to follow the instructions carefully. You should also avoid giving your plant too much of any single ingredient. Philodendrons enjoy a high-quality potting mix that has a pH of 5.5.

One of the main ingredients in feeding philodendrons is fertilizer. Coffee grounds are also an excellent source of calcium. Crushed leaves and used coffee filters are other ways to provide this organic component. Coffee waste is another excellent source of potassium and magnesium. Make sure you do not put too much of this into your plant’s soil or else it will develop an overly acidic environment. Also, a philodendron needs at least two pounds of calcium each year.


There are two common methods used for propagating a Philodendron plant. Node propagation is a popular choice for rare types, but it’s not as effective for most philodendron species. Cuttings taken from nodes often take a long time to root, and larger cuttings will have a greater chance of growing into a healthy plant. In either case, both methods have their benefits.

To propagate a Philodendron plant by cutting, carefully cut the stem just below the node on each stem. The node indicates which side of the stem should be planted in soil. Remove any leaves from the lower half of the cutting, as they will encourage disease. Then, place the cutting in a vase filled with filtered or bottled water. If using tap water, let the cutting soak for 24 hours to remove any minerals.

If you prefer to propagate a Philodendron using soil, it is possible to cut the heartleaf of the plant, leaving it at the node. Once the cuttings have roots, you can transfer them into soil. Give the cuttings enough time to adjust to the new environment before transplanting them. Ideally, a cutting of a heartleaf will grow into a two to three-inch plant in a couple of weeks.


The positioning of Philodendron plant in care guidelines depends on the climate you live in. Philodendrons thrive in humid conditions and should not be exposed to temperatures below 55 degrees Fahrenheit. In addition, the plant can benefit from regular misting to maintain humidity around the plant. If the plants have dry soil, misting or pebbles filled with water are great ways to raise the humidity around the plant. Avoid overwatering the plant to avoid root rot.


As an easy to grow houseplant, a philodendron requires 2,500 to 10,000 lux, or 250 to 1,000 foot candles of light. You can find out more about sunlight requirements for Philodendron plants below. They also need to be in a location where direct sunlight is avoided to avoid sunburn. If you want a healthy, thriving plant, consider placing it in a window that gets indirect light for 5 or 6 hours each day.

The heartleaf variety requires medium indirect sunlight, but this plant can be planted near windows that face east or west. This will provide indirect, bright light in the morning and late afternoons and protect it from midday sunlight. Although philodendrons do not typically require much light, they will be stunted if placed near a window that is south or west facing. For the best results, place the plant near a sunny window.


It is best grown in a temperate climate, with temperatures of 55 to 13 degrees Fahrenheit. It can tolerate a little bit of cold in Zone 9B, but only in a protected location. Plants need well-drained soil, organic peat moss, or composted cow manure. They do not need to be pruned or trimmed, though you should make sure to water them on a regular basis. Too much water can kill Philodendron plants.


There are many benefits of growing variegated philodendron. This plant is easy to grow and tolerant of a wide range of conditions. Its leaves are air purifiers, releasing fresh oxygen into the air. They can grow up to three meters tall, and are suitable for indoor and outdoor growing. Choosing the right plant for your home is important. You should also consider the amount of sunlight, temperature, and soil needed for your Variegated Philodendron.

To maintain its vibrant color, variegated Philodendron needs more humidity than other plants. The best place for it is in a south-facing window. You can mist it frequently, but be sure not to overwater it, as it may lead to fungal infections. Furthermore, the resulting plant may have brown leaves. Consequently, you should keep the plant moist, but not water it constantly.

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