Varieties Of ZZ Plant – Beautiful Plants For Your Home

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There are many beautiful varieties of ZZ Plant, but we’ve chosen some of the most gorgeous ones to share with you in this article. Dwarf Zamicro ZZ Plant – this miniature plant has thick elongated leaves and fleshy stems. It is suitable for small spaces, and its creamy white foliage looks stunning against its glossy green leaves. ZZ Supernova Plant – This gorgeous plant is a dark green variety with a green tint and looks spectacular in a dappled area.

What Is ZZ Plant?

If you’ve ever wondered what is a zz plant, you’re not alone. The plant belongs to the genus Zamioculcas in the family Araceae. The genus is comprised of only one species, Zamioculcas zamiifolia. It is a tropical perennial plant native to southern Kenya, eastern Africa, and northeastern South Africa. Its name comes from its flowers, which look like a cross between an elephant and a hibiscus.

What Is ZZ Plant

The scientific name for this type of plant comes from its resemblance to cycads, which were common before dinosaurs. You can see a true cycad at the BBG’s Steinhart Conservatory. ZZ plants grow in dry forests, grasslands, and riverbanks, and their roots are potato-like. This is probably what helps them survive in drought. But if you have no green thumb, don’t fret! ZZ plants are easy to care for. Here are some of the most popular types of ZZ plant.

1. ZZ Raven – The Dark Beauty

Originally a branch mutation in 2006, the ZZ Raven (Zalea zebrina) plant is a trademark name of Costa Farms. Hyuk Jin Lee, a Korean plant breeder, received a U.S. Plant Patent #30035 for this cultivar. The dark purple-colored leaves and compact plant are the result of the plant’s stout, robust constitution.

One of the latest and most popular ZZ plant varieties, the Raven is now widely available for purchase in stores and online. The plant is easy to care for and can tolerate low or high light levels, humidity, and temperature. Ideally, the soil should dry between waterings, so that the plant is well-drained. The Raven ZZ plant will grow to about 30 inches tall. This is an excellent houseplant for people who are trying to add color and texture to their interiors.

ZZ Raven – The Dark Beauty

While the plants are generally not harmful to humans, they are susceptible to certain pests and diseases. One of these is root rot. If left untreated, the plant will die and look ugly. Scale insects are also a concern. Scale insects can eat the leaves and cause skin irritation and even death. Generally, these plants are not harmful to humans, but they can be dangerous to your pets.

2. Zamioculcas Zamiifolia Variegata

This ZZ plant does not grow very fast. It does not add a new stem with all its leaves in a short period of time. Instead, the plant grows a new shoot from the ground. As the new stem grows, its leaves curl around it and unfurl. In this way, the plant can live for a long time. Although it does not produce flowering flowers, it can grow in containers.

Zamioculcas Zamiifolia Variegata

The ZZ Plant is not natively upright, but they are usually sold as such. Their growth habits are influenced by how they are grown indoors. ZZ plants require little watering, low light levels, fast-draining soil, and monthly fertilization during the growing season. The various varieties have different care requirements, but most of them do well in low-light environments. ZZs are native to eastern and southern Africa and are closely related to the philodendrons and elephant ears.

3. ZZ Dwarf Zenzi – Dwarf ZZ Plant Varieties

There are two varieties of the ZZ dwarf zenzi plant. One variety is known as the regular ZZ plant and has dark green, lance-shaped leaves. It has a slow growth rate and grows slowly. The second variety is known as the Lucky Classic. This variety has round-tipped leaves and is smaller than the regular ZZ plant. Both varieties produce basic flowers.

Dwarf ZZ Plant Varieties

The ZZ Dwarf Zenzi is the latest cultivar. It is a smaller version of the regular ZZ plant, and is an ideal desk plant. The ZZ Dwarf Zenzi is a hardy, low-maintenance plant, and is mildly drought-tolerant. It needs bottom-watering every three to four weeks during the summer. However, it is not affected by low-light conditions.

Dwarf ZZ zenzi thrives in medium-to-high temperatures and thrives in average conditions. Ideally, they need to be grown in temperatures of 15degC to 24degC. They are not hardy enough to tolerate temperatures much lower than this. Although the ZZ zenzi plant can tolerate 8degC, it cannot survive a cold winter. If you have a very cold climate, you can always try keeping it in a terrarium.

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4. ZZ Zamicro plant

The general scientific name of all the ZZ plant is Zamioculcas zamiifolia. The plant is very resilient to pests, and does not require special soil or water. While it does not grow well in direct sunlight, it is tolerant to indirect sunlight. Here is a tip on how to care for the zamicro. If it is exposed to too much sunlight, it may die. If you want to protect your ZZ plant from this problem, try to keep the temperature moderate.

Zamicro ZZ plant

5. Lucky Giant And Lucky Classic Plant

There are several varieties of ZZ plant. Lucky Classic and Lucky Giant both have their own unique characteristics and features. The Lucky Classic has lance-shaped, mid-green leaves that are smooth, glossy, and less pointed. Lucky Classic has a similar growing habit and needs indirect sunlight. Giant Lucky , on the other hand, has large, glossy, medium-green leaves that are elongated and have a pointed shape.

The two varieties of ZZ plants are named after their scientific names. The standard ZZ plant has a green stem and leaves. Lucky Classic is smaller, growing only about two feet high. It grows in a pot that is porous and has drainage holes. Both ZZ plants tolerate humidity levels around forty to fifty percent. ZZ plant ‘Zenzi’ and ‘Lucky classic’ are different, but they all have similar growth habits.

Lucky Giant And Lucky Classic Plant

The ZZ Raven cultivar is named after the raven bird. Its leaves are green, but look black in low light. Dark Beauty can grow to three feet tall, and is a great choice for a small room. It needs good drainage and will require regular watering. Watering it once a week in the summer and three times a year in the winter requires it to be kept alive. Dark Beauty is slightly more expensive than other houseplants, but is worth it if you are looking for a beautiful plant that will last a long time.

6. Gold Variegated ZZ Plant

Gold Variegated ZZ Plant is a popular houseplant. They are relatively easy to care for and can also thrive in low light. Gold Variegated ZZ plants need only moderate sunlight and are slow growing, which makes them an ideal choice for a low-light area. They can be propagated from a single leaf and are a great choice for a room with a limited amount of light.

Gold Variegated ZZ Plant is a popular houseplant.

The white Variegated ZZ Plant is a miniature plant that has long, lance-shaped leaves with occasional blots of green. It grows best in dappled areas and is perfect for small spaces. This plant’s leaves are cream-white with occasional flecks of green. There are several other zz plant types available, including the black zz plant. These are easy-to-grow houseplants that require little care.

The Gold Variegated ZZ Plant is available in a variety of colors. Although it tolerates low humidity levels, higher humidity levels are always welcome. Similar houseplants increase the humidity level around them. If you’re looking for a groundcover plant, consider this variety. Its vibrant foliage makes it an excellent choice. You’ll never regret your purchase! The ZZ Plant is a beautiful addition to any home, and can be used as a groundcover.

7. White Variegated ZZ Plant

This Varieties of ZZ Plant are easy to care for and can be used in both indoor and outdoor arrangements. The leaves are glossy and light green, with some becoming dark and almost black in color. The leaves are easy to find in nurseries and plant stores, though the cost is usually higher than that of the regular ZZ plant. You can also buy potted ZZ plants on Amazon.

White Variegated ZZ Plant

For best results, keep the temperature between 55-79 degrees Fahrenheit. Warmer temperatures will promote greater growth output. ZZ plants form thick rhizomes around the base of the pot. However, be careful to not overwater these plants, as the rhizomes will get too large and distort the container. If you are unsure of what the right temperature for your ZZ plant is, check the following tips.

The watering schedule for ZZ plants depends on the environment they are in. They do well in low-to-moderate light conditions. You can place them in corners of your home or office that receive minimal light. You can water them monthly or more often depending on the amount of light they receive. They do not require a lot of water, but you do need to check the soil every two to three weeks. They like well-draining indoor potting mix.

8. Super Nova Varieties of ZZ Plant

The Super Nova Varieties of ZZ Plant have many advantages. They have low maintenance needs, are poisonous and require only monthly watering. A ZZ plant is toxic so they must be kept away from children and pets. Here are some useful tips for how to care for this plant. First, ensure that the soil is fast-draining. Also, avoid overwatering as overwatering can cause root decay. Once a month, you should remove the plant’s dust using a wet cloth.

Super Nova Varieties of ZZ Plant

ZZ plants are elegant houseplants that have deep green foliage. Young leaves are bright green while the mature leaves are dark and almost black. This plant is easy to find and maintain. You can purchase them at nurseries or plant stores. Keep in mind, however, that they come with a higher price tag than the regular ZZ plant. However, this price tag is well worth the beautiful results. So, why shouldn’t you give this plant a try?

9. ZZ Akebono Plant

A unique ZZ plant variety is the Akebono ZZ plant. Named for the colour of the sky at dawn, Akebono has striking leaves that have variegated mottling and a golden hue. The plant grows upright in a copper-coloured pot with a variety of stems. Its leaves can be several inches long and an inch wide. Akebonos are not a popular houseplant for most gardeners, but they do make an impressive accent to your room.

Akebono ZZ Plant

The Akebono ZZ plant is one of the most rare varieties available. It is not a hardy plant, so it can grow indoors. In fact, the production of this plant has increased over the years. However, there are a few things you should keep in mind when purchasing a ZZ plant. The plant’s sap contains some amount of calcium oxalate, which can cause skin irritation. You should avoid letting curious pets nibble on your ZZ plant.

It is an ideal plant for xeriscaping, which means using the same plant in a variety of locations to decrease water needs. This plant does well in low-light conditions, and requires only minimal water. In addition, it does better when watered less than other aroids. Be sure to check your Akebono ZZ plant for symptoms of overwatering. Yellow leaves or rotting rhizomes are signs of overwatering.

10. Bitkisi ZZ Plant

When it comes to plants, Bitkisi ZZ plant varieties have distinct differences. This aroid belongs to the same family as jack-in-the-pulpit and skunk cabbage. These plants contain calcium oxalate crystals, which are painful and damaging to soft tissue. For this reason, they should not be grown near children. Another great quality of ZZ plants is their ability to tolerate low light and moisture levels.

Bitkisi ZZ Plant

The name Zamia bitkisi comes from the Turkish language. The plant’s stems are slightly elongated, reaching up to 30 inches in length. They contain an internal structure that helps the stems to store water and keep vital cells strong. At maturity, Zamia bitkisi has dark green leaves with reddish stripes. The plant is related to its raven cousin, which is purple-black in color.

11. Whipped Cream ZZ Plant

The whipped cream ZZ plant is a very rare variety. Known as a lucky plant, it has elongated stems and a white to light green color. It can grow as tall as 30 inches, and it is very drought tolerant. These plants are low maintenance and require very little maintenance. The rhizome is the underground structure from which the stem grows. This plant is best for areas with moderate sun exposure and partial shade.

Whipped Cream ZZ Plant

Although this plant is mainly a foliage plant, it is also capable of producing small white flowers. The flowers resemble a cob, and are quite small, weighing no more than 3 inches. Unlike most houseplants, it does not require frequent repotting, but you should repotte it every two years. Repotting is a great idea because it improves drainage and will be happier in its new container.

The EDZAM1701 is one of the easiest ZZ plants to grow. It is easy to propagate by leaf cuttings, and has a relatively uniform size. This ZZ plant is a great choice if you’re looking for a plant that will look great in your home. Its leaves are dense and green, but it will need less water. If you want a taller, more compact plant, go for a dwarf variety, such as Zamioculcas lucky white.

12. Jungle Warrior ZZ plants

There are several varieties of ZZ plants that you can use to create an elegant display in your home. These plants are very easy to care for and can be found in nurseries and plant stores. Some of these varieties can be a little more expensive than the usual ZZ plant, so keep that in mind before buying one. This plant is also known as the ‘zoysia’ and is widely grown in the US.

Jungle Warrior ZZ plants

This plant can be easily confused with other species of cacti and can have out-of-place stems. To avoid this, you can prune the stems of your ZZ plant and stick them to the soil. If you notice any yellow or brown leaves, you should remove them. ZZ plants can be susceptible to diseases and pathogens, but they rarely succumb to such conditions.

13. Zenzi ZZ plant

This beautiful variety of ZZ plant is perfect for low-light areas and offices. Because of its low-light requirement, it thrives in windows that get very little natural light and in rooms that do not receive a lot of sunlight. However, it is not recommended to place it near a window that gets too much light, since the plant is sensitive to direct sunlight. In addition, the stems and leaves of the plant can turn yellow if they are overwatered.

Zenzi ZZ plant

To propagate the Varieties Of ZZ plant, you can divide it into several smaller plants. Use a sharp saw or shears to cut the roots. Then, repot each divided plant in a separate pot. Cuttings should be made with the stem still attached and kept in a moist environment with indirect light. After about six months, the cuttings should develop roots. If the stems grow dark, they may have root rot.

14. Dowon ZZ plant

The glossy leaves of a ZZ plant add an elegant aesthetic to any potted garden. Be sure to avoid leaf shining products on your ZZ plants. These plants require minimal care and upkeep. To maintain their lush foliage, aerate the soil before watering. Aeration is especially important when it comes to succulents, as they can easily drown if they aren’t properly watered.

Dowon ZZ

The stems of the ZZ plant are very delicate. If they break, the entire plant will die. However, you can propagate your plant by regrowing the rhizome and rerooting it. After repotting, it will grow vigorously once more. If you have space, consider planting a new variety in the same pot. But be sure to rotate your pots occasionally.

White Variegata is another variegated variety of the ZZ plant. Its foliage is white and green, but it can also turn grey or cream. The plant is native to tropical and subtropical forests. It grows between two and three feet tall and is extremely drought-tolerant. A gold variegated ZZ plant, however, has yellow and gold leaflets, but this variety is not commonly available.

Read more: Benefits Of ZZ Plants And Some Of It Uses

15. Emerald Palm

Many gardeners love the elegance of this ZZ plant. This beautiful houseplant features rich deep green foliage. The plant is easy to care for, and its foliage changes from bright green when young to a dark, almost black color when mature. Many different varieties of the ZZ plant are available, each with its own unique beauty and care requirements.

Emerald Palm

Although the ZZ plant prefers bright indirect light, it will grow well in low light conditions, so make sure to position it in a sunny window or near another taller plant. Water it sparingly and rotate it every couple of months. Repotting is not necessary too often, but it is recommended every two years to improve the drainage. Remember to keep it watered during dry periods or it may start to turn yellow.


There are many benefits to growing LUCKYWHIT varieties of the ZZ plant. These plants have bulbous rhizomes that store water, which allows them to survive without a regular watering schedule. Once established, they can grow as tall as three feet and are drought-resistant. Since they don’t require winter feeding, they can withstand several months without water. In addition, these plants don’t require fertilization.

LUCKYWHIT varieties of the ZZ plant

The LUCKYWHIT cultivar was first created in Maasdijk, Netherlands, in September 2007. This variety has distinct features and reproduces true to type. However, its phenotype will vary depending on environmental factors, including temperature, day length, and light intensity. However, it is worth noting that the LUCKYWHIT cultivar was first produced from vegetative cuttings in September 2007.

17. Zamioculcas Zamiifolia ‘Chameleon‘

Unlike most houseplants, Zamioculcas zamiifolia cultivars require a lower humidity level and higher watering frequency than other types. The amount of water a Zamioculcas plant requires varies according to variety, but they all need at least 40 percent humidity. Watering intervals range from weekly to monthly, depending on the variety. Learn more about Zamioculcas zamiifolia varieties here.

Zamioculcas Zamiifolia ‘Chameleon‘

The Chameleon ZZ plant is an ornamental plant that is poisonous to both humans and animals. Keep it out of reach of pets and children alike to avoid unnecessary issues. It has striking colors that will stand out in a garden. There are two types of Chameleon ZZ plants available: albino and colorful. This plant can grow to be very tall. In the past, many people had the misconception that this plant is toxic. Today, you can handle Zamioculcas zamiifolia plants without any problems.

18. Albino ZZ plant

The Zamicolous zamiifolia is a rare plant with yellow or white coloration. Some cultivars are even more rare and are yellow, while others are white. The most striking and popular variant is Zamia Albino, which grows two to three feet high. This plant prefers indirect, bright sunlight, and is a difficult plant to care for. Although the leaves are mostly green, the leaves are yellow or white when young.

Albino ZZ plant

This unique plant is popular in gardens and homes around the world. The wide dark green foliage is striking, but it is rare to find flowers on this plant. Flowers are most likely to appear in midsummer and early autumn, and are unlikely to bloom indoors. ZZ Plants are easy to maintain and can be purchased at your local nursery or online. They are available at Amazon and The Sill. They are also available in nurseries in most areas.


While ZZ plants are low maintenance, they are resilient and colorful. The benefits of these plants make them a great choice for both offices and homes. If you’re a beginner to gardening, ZZ plants are easy to propagate. If you have a spare plant in your home, use a few leaves and divide them sparingly. When you’ve successfully separated the leaves, place them in light potting soil. Indirect light is best for these plants.

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